Posted by lewis lewis6 years ago

1k Post Giveaway ( if you guessed please read again)

this is my 1k post, yay, in celebration, ill be giving away 1 mhc, but decided to split it with four winners, and if you win once, you cant win again, gotta give other people a chance to win, sorry.

soooo, the questions are: 1. what is my favorite food?- BHALLIC24 2. who is my favorite seahawk besides bwagz-NINJASKEET 3. what is my shoe size- EHWOZZ 4. what is my favorite class in school

really random questions but :lol: 

possible that i might put in another question for another .25 mhc, be on the lookout, and this one, anyone can win it even if they won one before :) good luck, onto 2k!

EDIT: someone guessed twice and i didnt realize until i gave him the mhc, so only fair that you guys can guess twice too... my mistake

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