Posted by ModularMayhem ModularMayhem5 years ago

When will the forum resemble the Old Forum again?

I'm referring to things like avis, sigs, OVRs, search function, clans, etc. all showing when we post. I was used to knowing who is who by their avatar, signature, custom symbols or team logos. Sometimes you would see someone post about a player and you can infer that they like a certain team if they have a small Eagles or Seahawks, or whatever team logo even if they have nothing else filled in their profile when they post. Little things like these made this forum special and now it's just a shell of what it was.

I know it was supposed to be updated soon with some of the things that were in the Old Forums, i'm just wondering if anyone can tell me when or any details regarding this.


Maybe they could make small avatars and overall next to it

Edited by Jesse102999


It will take time to iron things out


There won't be any sigs or search function to the best of my knowledge. Definitely agree its a lot harder to identify people, especially b/c of no avatars. Also, just saw this, but our overalls are on our profile.


Thanks for the reply. I can see some reason for no sigs, but search seems pretty important to me. Hopefully there are some changes soon enough, the way it is now is such a departure from how the Old Forum operated.


Maybe rocketz sees mut dying and isn't bothering to invest. I'd feel nervous as hell if my business was linked to ea and mut. A bomb waiting to go off


MUT is farrrrr from dying. Don’t let the negativity of people online cloud reality. It’s super high margin for them and not going anywhere.

Some people on here and on reddit and on Twitter would complain about the taxes if you handed them a million dollars.


No man, it's not that its far from's already stone cold dead. Discord killed it.


It's funny you made this thread. 20 min ago I went to the old forums just to look at what it was. So much better looking they were, Also, on this forum looking at threads that have a lot of comments on them it is very hard to follow up on posts. It's easy to lose track of the latest comments and such. Maybe we just have to get used to it. I wonder how much this board will be updated to get the kinks out?

Edited by tribe585


It's night and day between this forum and the old. Sometimes you could look at people's answers to a poster's question and trust certain people because of their reputation, simply from knowing their avatar, or something as benign as their username in an italic bold font which most people don't have. It sounds silly, but all these little things add up to create something that is identifiable to a certain person. Also simple things like views on a thread aren't there anymore, or when I had a question the other day, I had no idea what happen to the search button. I had to go to my browser and it gave me a link to the old MH forums, ironically.


Yea. I promised myself if give this one a chance, but I rarely post anymore.