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Considering this is the first I'm seeing a weather thread, the other must not have been popular. Its been raining here all week. Cold front coming through tonight and sunshine the next few days.
Its been hot as hell this week, Weve had record high temperatures the last 2 days! atleast its warm and sunny finally. Feeling like summer B>)
All that vitamin d and your still a little bitch
I heard girl scouts get cold easily
You're a tool. I see you didnt want to put up the hook fights ehwozz thread. Dont be scared homie, we can get some nice side action going for the culture. Pussy
Wow people can really fight over anything haha
Its wild man.. an honest mistake on my part creating a double thread. Hes completely gone off on me, downvoted all my comments.. :/
All because I liked commenting on his thread before the layout change.. and created this thread not knowing that original OP (Hookrightthur) had recreated it.
Edited by ehwozz
Man I remember this time back in the day when the forums were moderated, and members kind of just had this underlying code of ethics. We had this crazy ass thing called the trusted middleman list where the most reputable members would go out of their way to ensure that people wouldn't get scammed, and if they did they would be reimbursed. I get it things have changed, op apologized.... kind of... in a backhanded dickheadish sort of way, but he changed the thread so its whatever... I realize I'm coming off as the asshole here, but fuck it.... I guess I just miss the things that used to be appealing about this site. Hopefully it gets back to the way it was..... not holding my breath
Get over it man, I already changed the thread title days ago! Instead of dropping nice little weather updates on muthead ive been coming on and argueing with you! like what the hell! I dont need that.. nobody does. We all have enough problems in the real world! People losing jobs, people dieing of a virus!? You've been freaking out on me over small talk about the weather! Geez.. and all the meanwhile you havent commented on your "Weather Thread" at all.. lol. Im done
You clearly aren't quite grasping the point.... that's fine and dandy we can be done together. I'll see you in the dms 🤣
Scroll down and see my only other comment on this thread. Shout out you!
Funny story. True story I did not catch the shoutout, but I did think to myself son of a bitch ballsy put Yanet in here too 🤬🤣
I think we should make this thread the official weather thread as it had more hits than the other lol
Na bruh you about 10350 posts short, which translates to about 100k short. Do your research
You guys are acting like I did this on purpose, and that ive taken something from Hooks. There is no benefit to being the creator of a thread and im certainly not trying to take credit for anything.. its a thread. about. the. weather. Really suprized at the amount of hostility I have seen during my limited time on Muthead since the change over. I promise, you wont see me comment anything weather related again. have a great easter weekend guys.
Here's the thing man, at least from my perspective: You keep downplaying it, and that's cool it makes it as if whoever doesn't care the most about a is the winner, but just try to look at it for one second from the eyes of the author of the thread. Granted I jumped into this thread like a bat out of hell so I understand a defensive reaction, but then when you took it to PM you said that because mine had 7 posts you didn't think anything of it....condescending much?
Actually the real thread had 10k posts, and a bunch of other shit I put into it for years to just talk about the weather. Regardless of how petty this may be, its more about a general lack of respect for members and the rules in general. If it wasn't then a simple oh my bad bro would have sufficed and I would have apologized for coming on to strong.
That's not the path you chose man, and its whatever you don't have to like what I'm saying, I noticed you didn't respond to the PM. Whatever its cool bro, but don't talk about hostility when you try to play something off about something that possibly did mean something to someone else at some point in time.... The sites changed we have to move on I get it, but there were a lot of ways you could have responded that would have ended it from the start. Don't play the victim bullshit.
Y'all really out here fighting about the weather......the weather!!
I'd say it's more about a general lack of respect than the weather per se, but you can view it how you wish. Principalities and what not
Isnt this a dupe thread of hooks? Respecy ehwozz cause he's an NHL fan, but you gotta be better man. Hooks been doing this shit for 2 years, don't be that guy.
This fool really just jack the weather thread? 🤣
Wtf muthead? Maybe I'll just go make random thoughts version 2? Or say something about the fool above you? Oh wait he jacked my thread. Stay classy San Diego
TBH I made this weather thread before they migrated the threads from old muthead. sorry you have to be an ass about it.. geez
either that or it was buried, I dont know.
Edited by ehwozz
So are you sorry I am an ass or are you sorry that you're a fool? ;) tbh I probably wouldn't care as much but you literally used to post in the weather thread. Additionally it just shows the current state of mh... rip. We in the wild west yall. Random Thoughts V2 coming up
yeah I posted on the old muthead weather thread. I did not know that it carried over to the new layout. So my bad for making this.. Its not like im gaining anything by being the creator of the thread. lmao
I will allow you to have your pride and joy, the super amazing weather thread as the standalone thread to comment about the weather.. because its obviously very important to you.
Edited by ehwozz
Nice burn.... I'm just curious why you made a dupe thread? I mean I was under the impression that the COC was still intact... you say because it was buried, yet when pulling up GC bam there it is on the same page as the imposter thread lol
another really nice sunny day. but it did cool off with a bit of wind this evening
Ive decided to Hijack the weather thread. Who will stop me? Muaahahaha.