

Why is this man wearing a “KUNTA KINTE” shirt to a workout 😂


Unfortunately, it seems like he's dead set on the "My way or the highway" attitude. He really wants the NFL to do most of the work, because he probably feels they screwed him out of a job. I just don't see him playing again at this rate.


Quote from volcanic163 >> The NFL literally fucked him out of a job, so he's saying "You know what, you don't deserve my respect."

That's how I see it at least.

 Then he should stop giving them his attention. The NFL and NFL teams are his employer.. he's gotta be smarter than that. Regardless of what everyone says, he doesn't suck that bad, I would say a top 64 QB in the league and can easily fill a roster spot. His workout honestly wasn't bad, NFL owners have forever complimented his arm talent. But it's not about that.. it's the off the field issues, it's the drama he causes everytime he says anything publicly, it's the pettiness and lack of responsibility shown by him throughout the course of these three years. His original protest, though I do believe it could have been executed more respectfully and less controversially did put him in the spotlight. However, it hasn't been the actual content of the protest, which I believe is a very fair cause, but rather the actions of the protester that have been critiqued. There are many individuals and groups that stand for what he stands but don't bring the drama and unwanted attention to the team/organization. Is it really worth having a guy as a backup who'll maybe play if your guy gets injured for all the media attention and post/pregame pressers every game that he'll get?


So if he doesn't get signed he will get more money from the NFL because he sucks as a QB again ? Still don't understand why the settled the first time


Quote from Jeepind >> Quote from tyforchicken >> Why is this man wearing a “KUNTA KINTE” shirt to a workout 😂 

 Have you seen the show, Roots? 

I’m dating myself and that’s ok... it’s my bday and I’m kinda proud to have made it this long. :) But it’s a perfect shirt for him to wear... he’s not going to change for the NFL and that was the beauty of Kunta Kinte, he would not bow down... powerful show, I highly recommend watching it.


Personally, I think it's a way to stuck it to the NFL, I might not agree with kaep on some issues, but I don't think he's dumb enough to pull the shit he has and expect a job. If I talk disrespectfully to or about my prospective boss(es) I can expect to not get that job.


Kap has this covered both ways. Doesn't get signed: Book deals, appearances, award shows, etc. Gets signed: Book deals, appearances, award shows, etc. and a paycheck.


Quote from tyforchicken >> Why is this man wearing a “KUNTA KINTE” shirt to a workout 😂 

 Have you seen the show, Roots? 

I’m dating myself and that’s ok... it’s my bday and I’m kinda proud to have made it this long. :) But it’s a perfect shirt for him to wear... he’s not going to change for the NFL and that was the beauty of Kunta Kinte, he would not bow down... powerful show, I highly recommend watching it.  And I’m rooting for Kap to get signed... he’s been shut out long enough.


Im not sure he’ll make a roster spot.   He has to show that he’s nfl worthy.   Every year new talent comes up in the draft, its one of those situations.  Do you find a qb in the draft, call kaep, or give Brett Favre one last rodeo.


I believe that teams were truly interested   The issue I would see is even if he did the workout and everything went smoothly, he would still have to agree to a contract and he may want big starter money ( he opted out of his last contract ) and teams may see him as a backup 

an easy solution would be an incentive laden contract and one that escalates if he starts a certain amount of games etc

but there is nothing that makes me think either side wants things to go easy


Quote from Brett >> I heard if he doesn’t get signed he’s gonna try to be a liberal congresswoman like his hero AOC (his hero who he identifies with) 

 I know this is meant to be funny but I can literally see this happening it goes to the core of everything they believe in and how radically tormented these people are and how detached from reality they have been and will continue to be


The NFL literally fucked him out of a job, so he's saying "You know what, you don't deserve my respect."

That's how I see it at least.


He’s probably never getting signed again


Quote from hookrightthur >> What a joke.... he is done

 4ReAl -_-


I don't understand why he changed, kind of dumb of him in my opinion. If something was sketch, then say that and let it speak for you. All this does is makes team realize why they haven't signed him yet. He's a diva.


What a joke.... he is done


I heard if he doesn’t get signed he’s gonna try to be a liberal congresswoman like his hero AOC (his hero who he identifies with)


Quote from Ballsy >> Quote from Hiacios >> I don't see anyone signing him. He is too political. 

 The Illuminati needs him to distract the masses from the truth 😑 

 :lol: More like his wife needs him to spread her propaganda.


Quote from Hiacios >> I don't see anyone signing him. He is too political. 

 The Illuminati needs him to distract the masses from the truth 😑


I don't see anyone signing him. He is too political.


Was super boring imo. game of catch rather than a workout