
Need a little advice

I’ve been trying to think how to tell one of my best friends that I’ve had a crush on her for about the last year or so. I’m not looking for a relationship, more of just getting it out finally. I think I’m more worried about how it’ll effect our friendship than anything else and not really sure if she’s seeing anyone which could make it even more weird. We do hang out about 4-7 times a year with our other friends, all from grade school.   Thanks


Don't wait, tell her all you want to tell her asap.  Life will flash before your eyes before you know it, yes and life is too short for regrets and cigarettes.  Good luck.


lol @ dating advice on mut


If you want nothing to come from this (no relationship) then don't put it out there. It will just make every future get together awkward. ESPECIALLY if she is in a relationship  Once you tell her how you feel (or felt) she will view you in a different light


am i missing something? you have a crush on her but when offered the theoretical opportunity don't want a relationship with her?

just ask her if she wants to be a friends with benefits then.


Go after her.


I agree with others....if you don’t even want a relationship then why even tell her at all. Telling her will 100% change your friendship - either she feels the same and will want a relationship, or she won’t and it will be awkward for awhile or kill the friendship. 

Not worth it if you don’t want the outcome of future.


If you dont want to date her and dont want to lose a friend id say let it go  and you got it off your chest here 

unburdening yourself on to her might then cause her discomfort so its kind of selfish on your part 

whereas if you want to date her just let her know how youbfeel and ask her out. Nothing ventured nothing gained :)


If you don’t want a relationship don’t say anything.if and when you do want to make her your gf tell her how you feel.


Quote from taterman >> Quote from hookrightthur >> i mean easiest way to get it off your chest?  send a post dated letter to be delivered in 1985....  oh wait.....  sometimes my math is all jacked.   Think about it though.   You are attracted to her.  Might as well give her a chance to be attracted to you too.  yolo fambro.  In person with confidence is the best chance of any kind of development.  Just stick your foot out there,  :)


If you don't want a relationship, I wouldn't tell her what you are feeling.

I don't value much more than my circle of friends/family. If she's your friend, and shares mutual friends, you're complicating things unnecessarily.

.. but I'm an old married dude with a minds stuck on ancient ideals. So take that with a grain of salt.


Quote from taterman >> Quote from hookrightthur >> i mean easiest way to get it off your chest?  send a post dated letter to be delivered in 1985....  oh wait.....  sometimes my math is all jacked.   Think about it though.   You are attracted to her.  Might as well give her a chance to be attracted to you too.  yolo fambro.  In person with confidence is the best chance of any kind of development.  Just stick your foot out there,  :)


I’m with hook on this. Nothing to lose. The way I look at it is this. 

My wife and I have a spare room that neither of the kids use, basically just for guests. We have my aunt and uncle stay 2 days out of the year. Her cousins maybe stay over about 8 times a year. So for 355 days a year that room is useles. I’m trying to get her to turn it into an office and game room (no kids allowed). 

My point behind that story is you hang out with the girl only 4-7 times a year, what do you have to lose by telling her.  I get you have a friendship and I get after school when everyone goes to their respective college you rarely see folks but still feel a connection. But at the end of the day why not just tell her. 

And honestly maybe it’s just me (as my wife often calls me an emotionless a hole) but I would have a harder time telling folks in here this story than the actual person I had a crush on. 

Plus who knows maybe she feels the same way.


Quote from hookrightthur >> i mean easiest way to get it off your chest?  send a post dated letter to be delivered in 1985....  oh wait.....  sometimes my math is all jacked.   Think about it though.   You are attracted to her.  Might as well give her a chance to be attracted to you too.  yolo fambro.  In person with confidence is the best chance of any kind of development.  Just stick your foot out there,  :)

 Great Scott!


Thanks man. Hopefully there will be a time soon where I can tell her


Given the statement that you're not particularly interested in dating, more so in the idea of letting her know how you feel, would make telling this girl how you feel not a particularly large risk. If she likes you back, excellent. If she doesn't, that's okay, you didn't want to date anyway.

Just don't make too big a deal out of it. Talk about it when it's just you and her, obviously, but just use it as a conversation piece when the timing is right.

Gauge if she is seeing anybody. Perfect launch point. "Are you dating somebody?" Yes - "Man, he's a lucky guy. I wish I would have asked you out." No - "Really? You're such a catch. I can't believe nobody's asked you out."

Both of these responses should open up her curiosity if she reciprocates those feelings towards you. If she doesn't dive deeper into it, she's not interested, or will hopefully just take the compliment and roll with it.

From there, that's a good way to segue into a date proposition if you and/or she feel so inclined.


i mean easiest way to get it off your chest?  send a post dated letter to be delivered in 1985....  oh wait.....  sometimes my math is all jacked.   Think about it though.   You are attracted to her.  Might as well give her a chance to be attracted to you too.  yolo fambro.  In person with confidence is the best chance of any kind of development.  Just stick your foot out there,  :)


I gotcha. Again, don’t really want a relationship just don’t want to hold it in all my life. Just looking for the best and in a way easiest way to tell her (via text, messge or in person).


You'll  never get out the friend zone if you don't make your intentions clear.  Sounds like you need to determine what your intentions are though man.  You sound young, and if I could do it all over I would have let any girl I was ever crushing on know at the time.  You have nothing to lose.  In hindsight you probably will not be on speaking terms with this person in 20 years either way so again you literally have nothing to lose.  If she isn't interested, then you can remain friends as long as you're cool with that.  No one hates being told they are liked.  GL homie


I’ve been trying to think how to tell one of my best friends that I’ve had a crush on her for about the last year or so. I’m not looking for a relationship, more of just getting it out finally. I think I’m more worried about how it’ll effect our friendship than anything else and not really sure if she’s seeing anyone which could make it even more weird. We do hang out about 4-7 times a year with our other friends, all from grade school.   Thanks