Posted by tb17 tb176 years ago

What are Clans and the benefits of them?

See title. I saw the list of clans, but don't really know what they're for.


See title. I saw the list of clans, but don't really know what they're for.


here is some more info Muthead Clans FAQs Looking for a Clan? Some things to consider


Quote from SukAtMut >>  Just another way of meeting or conversing with people that share your interest in Madden or Muthead.   Prolly more Muthead at this point :D  Benefits vary,  you get out what put in kinda thing.  Small boost in your overall but def not a reason most join a clan,  theres other ways to get overall boosts.   You could also get some MHC and make your own clan and start inviting people.   Id recommend if you ever come across a guy you really get along with maybe check out his clan.    Im slightly anti social and still have made some nice "friends" on here

 great post


Just another way of meeting or conversing with people that share your interest in Madden or Muthead.   Prolly more Muthead at this point :D  Benefits vary,  you get out what put in kinda thing.  Small boost in your overall but def not a reason most join a clan,  theres other ways to get overall boosts.   You could also get some MHC and make your own clan and start inviting people.   Id recommend if you ever come across a guy you really get along with maybe check out his clan.    Im slightly anti social and still have made some nice "friends" on here