
My Newest lineup. 14 tier 2 chems plus 4 competitors

this is my lineup. running DT-IP and EB-ES uniforms which max chem EB,IP and DT and plus 4 competitors and 1 motivator what do you guys think?


this is my lineup. running DT-IP and EB-ES uniforms which max chem EB,IP and DT and plus 4 competitors and 1 motivator what do you guys think?


Quote from dru440 >> 13 tier 2   2 tier 1    6 motivators 1 competitor   zbx2 jersey pr/tm away jersey ( looking for pr/ld and ill add another motivator)  this is a lot of fun and you would be amazed by how the team performs!

 Sick squad but you have sacrificed the Secure Pass Protector chemistry which in my opinion is huge. First chemistry i’d want to be activated is SP


Quote from rjs1620 >> Nice, and I noticed when I play you you do your subs quickly. I wouldn’t be able to get all 10? Or 11? in the time if someone immediately resumed game. Sick squad!!!

I tried to get my lineup to max chems without any subs, but now I only have 3 in game subs, motivatior RE (+bks), Motivatior MLB (+2 tak), and MS Willie Brown(to max Deion, and give Howie ES2). 11 Tier 2s.I’m proud of my squad, but I’m still looking for a few cards...

Nice chatting with with you after last nights matchup,  Thank you for the user pep talk, very cool of you...


Quote from rjs1620 >> Quote from dru440 >> 13 tier 2   2 tier 1    6 motivators 1 competitor   zbx2 jersey pr/tm away jersey ( looking for pr/ld and ill add another motivator)  this is a lot of fun and you would be amazed by how the team performs!


Quote from dru440 >> 13 tier 2   2 tier 1    6 motivators 1 competitor   zbx2 jersey pr/tm away jersey ( looking for pr/ld and ill add another motivator)  this is a lot of fun and you would be amazed by how the team performs!

 Nice...what’s your final o-line 4BBs and Eric Williams??? That’s mine also if that’s what you change to but I’d like to see the boosts that the motivatior and competitor adds...


Nice, and I noticed when I play you you do your subs quickly. I wouldn’t be able to get all 10? Or 11? in the time if someone immediately resumed game. Sick squad!!!

I tried to get my lineup to max chems without any subs, but now I only have 3 in game subs, motivatior RE (+bks), Motivatior MLB (+2 tak), and MS Willie Brown(to max Deion, and give Howie ES2). 11 Tier 2s.I’m proud of my squad, but I’m still looking for a few cards...

Nice chatting with with you after last nights matchup,  Thank you for the user pep talk, very cool of you...


13 tier 2   2 tier 1    6 motivators 1 competitor   zbx2 jersey pr/tm away jersey ( looking for pr/ld and ill add another motivator)  this is a lot of fun and you would be amazed by how the team performs!


Quote from mottiyos >> Quote from nerdystraw >> I like the line up. For me though I’m to lazy to design my line to have maxed chemistry.

 i'm a sucker for those chems lol. wish i could play without worrying about them

 Same here.  One of the things that keeps me playing 17 is chemistry.  I know what you mean about wishing you could play without worrying about chemistry.  If I see I have a chem at only tier 1 or I have 3/4, I'm thinking to myself... "I have to go to the lineup builder and figure out a way to get that maximized."  lol  :P


Quote from nerdystraw >> I like the line up. For me though I’m to lazy to design my line to have maxed chemistry.

 i'm a sucker for those chems lol. wish i could play without worrying about them


I like the line up. For me though I’m to lazy to design my line to have maxed chemistry.


Quote from samurijohn >> Very cool lineup sir great work

 thanks man. i value your opinion highly


Very cool lineup sir great work


Quote from mottiyos >> Quote from DrRobert1991 >>

Quote from mottiyos


Quote from DrRobert1991 >>

Quote from mottiyos >> Quote from DrRobert1991


Quote from mottiyos >> Quote from DrRobert1991 >> I personally love it.  I'm always a fan of maximizing chemistry as much as you possibly can.  Great work, buddy!

 Thanks. I keep playing with the lineup and with chems. I’d love to see what others run to get as many maxed chems possible


Quote from bruinrogue >> Nice!



Quote from diimsday1044 >> great work !!!

 Thanks legend!


great work !!!


Quote from dru440 >> Is Barr nat? 

 Yes. My nat ut’s are Barr, Sammy Watkins, Henry, Night train and Urlacher