Quote from jamcon99 >> Quote from Jbcho1 >> Quote from Nikelz81 >> Yes I would. Good job. But if that team is no money spent u need to find another hobby cuz u have to much free time lol
Quote from Jbcho1 >> Quote from papichuloakachampakamutfanatic >> Quote from Jbcho1 >>
It pretty godly imo. Nice work for NMS!
I bet it’s funny when people accuse you of spending money on h2h
Quote from papichuloakachampakamutfanatic >> Quote from Jbcho1 >> Quote from papichuloakachampakamutfanatic >>
Quote from Jbcho1 >> Quote from papichuloakachampakamutfanatic >> It's up there. Good job if you in fact spent no money.
Appreciate it, bro. Just grindin' and workin' the AH.
AH is definitely the way to go to stack coins. Started at 9.2 million on Saturday and sitting on 11.1 million at the moment. I even took a month and a half off from late October until early December. Otherwise, I'd have an extra 2-3 million.
Quote from x_CJ_Crazy_x >> Would a 94 ovr not be considered a god squad even if it was money spent?
True, I just added the NMS part because I know a ton of people would've had their ammunition loaded telling me not to use all my money on Madden, haha. I definitely put in time to be aware of the market and make moves when I need to.
Very nice! I’ve done some work on the AH flipping low leve cards for 1-2k profit per card. Within a couple days you can net 400-500k...I did blow a bunch of money on the mut hero’s program and the upper tier level packs I think it was 39/40 etc. Next year I’m definitely going nms as 99% of the packs you can buy are total bs.
Quote from papichuloakachampakamutfanatic >> It's up there. Good job if you in fact spent no money.
Appreciate it, bro. Just grindin' and workin' the AH.
Quote from jmckenna27 >> OMG yes that team is insane. Ik this has nothing to do with your question but can anyone tell me how to make my own post?
Go to "Create Thread" at the top right of the forum page. Type away, then post! :)
OMG yes that team is insane. Ik this has nothing to do with your question but can anyone tell me how to make my own post?
Quote from Naters1622 >> No Money Spent my butt!
Haha, I guess I'll take this as a compliment. I can assure you that I haven't spent anything past the original game G.O.A.T. Edition (which is the main regret this year. That promo was pretty bad...).
Quote from yeahbaby_1738 >> That is a god squad. Iv’e spent money and my team isn’t touching yours
Grinding solos, then working the Auction House is where I was able to get most of my coins early on at the beginning. I really want that new Snow Beast Rod Woodson, but man, 1.2 mill is a LOT of coins.
Quote from Nikelz81 >> Yes I would. Good job. But if that team is no money spent u need to find another hobby cuz u have to much free time lol
I appreciate the concern for my free time, haha. To be honest, once you grind out solos and get a decent stack (100K - 200K) earlier on, that's more than enough to turn it into millions on the auction house. It definitely takes some knowing of the ins and outs of the market, but overall, once you get the flow of it, making coins is pretty easy. Now if they removed Auction House at any point, I wouldn't be able to build a team like this.
Yes I would. Good job. But if that team is no money spent u need to find another hobby cuz u have to much free time lol
Would you consider my NMS team a "God Squad?" I ask honestly, not to show off the squad or anything. Just wondering. If only my actual playing abilities were anywhere near elite, haha.