Get the most expensive player 🤷♂️
There are a few that are all around 4-5m, doesn’t really matter which is most expensive at the time since it will be NAT
I’d go with the GT QB or BO because of the different abilities they can get. Sell Mahomes and buy GT QB if you got the loot. Then sell Payton before his card tanks and get BO as your NA GT. Really it depends on what your coin stack looks like and most importantly what you’re most comfortable doing! Lastly, how’s Walter play all juiced up✌️
Walter feels great juiced up. That’s why I’m leaning towards the QB instead of Bo now. Walter gets HJS (powered up) Evasive, Arm Bar, Bulldozer. The only difference between him and Bo is player model and base speed/accel. I don’t think the 4m coin difference is worth it at all considering they’re basically the same and you can boost up those stats on Walter.
I have like 1.1m coins right now so selling Mahomes would only get me to 1.5-1.6m. If I get a NAT GT QB, I would be close to having enough coins to get a lower end GT from AH like Gentry or a defensive one
I currently have this lineup: Lineup
Should I stick with Mahomes and get a GT WR/TE or Defensive player? Or should I sell Mahomes and pick up a GT QB?
I want to make this decision now so I can keep my eye on Mahomes price and sell him at the right time.
I'm leaning GT QB, but want some second opinions. I bought and powered up Walter all the way today. Previously I was leaning GT Bo, but now I'm thinking Lamar.