
who DESERVES the TOTY vote - specialists

all choices are based on real life stats and current OVR in MUT.


  1. ricard: 88 harvest
  2. juszczyk: 90 playoffs
  3. ingold: 72 core gold

they could all use an upgrade but ingold is still on his base card so i have to give it to him.


  1. tucker: 94 AM
  2. carlson: 92 stocking stuffer

they are pretty similar in stats so this is a toss up.


  1. townsend: 91 playoffs
  2. mann: 79 core gold

mann deserves the upgrade.

SLCB: see defensive player post


  1. ekeler: 97 TOTW
  2. jones: 89 TA
  3. mckinnon: 94 super bowl

jones deserves the upgrade.

SLWR: see offensive player post


  1. wilkins: 96 WW
  2. heyward: 88 harvest
  3. hargrave: 96 AKA

heyward deserves the upgrade.


  1. hines: 96 TOTW
  2. agnew: 93 playoffs
  3. nixon: 87 TOTW

nixon deserves the upgrade.

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