
Master Series Advice?

Hey I just started playing about a month ago and never work on the master series at all. When there was the 1stamina day I did some but that is it. I am only halfway thru juju. Is it worth trying or should I just give up. I have a 92/92/87 team so some I the later players would be useful but not many. Thanks in advance for our advice.


Your stamina is better use elsewhere.  Master is outdated if you have to play catch up.  Totally not worth doing it from 80 overall Juju.


its worth it if only to stockpile the stamina in the boxes


worth playing when you have time, yes its all a grind and maybe some of the players arn't worth it for you at this stage but some will be and the later ones defs will be for a period of time but you can;t forget the gems, coin and stam you pick up along the way


take full advantage of the next 1 stamina master series weekend (if there is another one)


yeah this will take you a very long time to catch up and when you do the cards will not be top cards to get. so if I was you I would grind different areas or game modes


It was like that for me two masters series ago but knowing their going to be timers has eased that for me a bit


MS last time stressed me out to much that I was waking up in the middle of the night thinking if the timer was done. I am seriously considering not doing the next one for the TE. It can be done in less then three days but for me it’s highly stressful.


I don’t think it’s worth while for you because so far the masters have stayed at 40 power. It’s going to take a long time to catch up to the latest series even if you have a very active league to clear time locks. The rewards are not worth the time/stamina spent


If you got nothing else to do, then would keep trying..all the master series are a grind and the time locks are terrible. Season is half over anyways, just have to keep that in mind also. Do what you think is best, regardless of what anybody says here. Good luck