In hindsight, a 95 Lockett PR would have been the best choice for a Hawks player. Would have a lot of appeal to Hawks fans and for OVR chasers.
Quote from korndawg >> Quote from DarkNav1g8t0r >> These are the "wild card" matches technically they could say these are not actually playoffs
Good god...
Haha, probably considers this a football ⚽️⚽️⚽️
Players are looking good. Glad they are 95. means probably next h2h will be 95 = EVO food too.
Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Quote from BenjaminGary >> Wow
I'm dumbfounded by this one. Dumbfounded. I get they are probably saving Russ for TOTY, thats fine. But how much more of a perfect opportunity is it to upgrade Clowney from his 88 OVR? Instead, they give Iupati TWO diamond Vert cards. I just don't understand. They couldn't even give us a different linemen, they gave us Iupati AGAIN. Dude didnt even have a good season.
Quote from BenjaminGary >> Wow
I'm dumbfounded by this one. Dumbfounded. I get they are probably saving Russ for TOTY, thats fine. But how much more of a perfect opportunity is it to upgrade Clowney from his 88 OVR? Instead, they give Iupati TWO diamond Vert cards. I just don't understand. They couldn't even give us a different linemen, they gave us Iupati AGAIN. Dude didnt even have a good season.
Clowney, Diggs, Shaq, Reed, DK, KJ... all need cards...but lets give the mediocre Iupati his SECOND Diamond Primetime Vert card. Like...what...
On the bright side, after having to spend approx 3 mill to get Marshawn, I dont need to worry about getting this 95 card. So there is that I guess.
Quote from KurioOs >> Hey Messina - making primetime 95s is great for the company EA - they ll cost 7500 Cash. From EA's point of view a good decision to make money since the alternative is really big luck on pulling one from the events/buy it off the AH for a couple of millions.
with this in mind and keeping legends still on 92 (I could easily build a couples for free since I saved my tokens/badges) only shows more clearly how little EA really cares about the players who invest time in this game to get at least some good rewards for being patient.
Legends/phenoms/h2h used to be even in OVR to Primetime players all season long - sometimes even ahead when I compare OVR and creation date of the cards
Quote from mpark81 >> Bruh we already got a primetime iupati. Seriously?
They love to copy and paste players Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Quote from ea_messina
Quote from ea_messina >> Sorry for the delay
He...he...he...already has a 90 primetime...and is also injured...Clowney only has an 88...why...why
Quote from ac7607 >> what about saints
That will be Sunday. These are the Saturday only games.
Quote from ea_messina >> Sorry for the delay
I did call the Iupati earlier. I’ll PM my UID now lol
Quote from cf2019GB >> Any chance the pull rates will be increased? These guys are harder to pull than ghosts....
YES + 0.00000002%
Here are the Primetime Players for the Playoffs this Saturday!