
PSA: You will not get matched up against real humans if you constantly keep FCing in Bronze

Like some others I was trying to get a head start on the points earlier today, and around 10:30 am EST, I miraculously stopped facing real people in the movement. I went from getting about 70% people in the movement, to 0. I've queued up about 50 games in an hour to try and get someone, and haven't. Based on that I'm going to assume the following:

1) Since I've been "losing" so many times in a row, the game will not set me up against a real opponent, rather one of these stupid dime bots or regular bots that play legit 2) Because I'm now im Bronze, the game assumes I cannot win, and matches me up against these bots 100% of the time.

So now, it's almost like you have to get out of Bronze/Silver to avoid these bots and play real humans. Either way, it's things like this that make this game trash. I don't want to play your garbage bots, I want to play someone that has a brain and will realize this game sucks and help each other out, because bots don't and just play normal.


I posted this before. You only need to lose 5 straight in bronze ranked game. Then you will only get bot in unranked game. In order to get back a chance to face a real human, you need to win game in ranked game.

Why doing this? It is just an easy way to win and score points against this bot. This bot can only score 100-200 points. Unless you fail all of his pressures, he can't get 500+ in the final scores. So, you should be able to score fair easily using any captain/coach. This method is even better when the promo ties to OD's win. You basically can just get 100% OD's win even with just 2 TDs.


The season starts everyone as "unranked" and that is matching people with 1 playing ranked and 1 playing unranked. once people start winning ranked games, you'll be less likely to face a non mover in unranked.

Might as well play ranked games for now since you get "trophies" win or lose


Like some others I was trying to get a head start on the points earlier today, and around 10:30 am EST, I miraculously stopped facing real people in the movement. I went from getting about 70% people in the movement, to 0. I've queued up about 50 games in an hour to try and get someone, and haven't. Based on that I'm going to assume the following:

1) Since I've been "losing" so many times in a row, the game will not set me up against a real opponent, rather one of these stupid dime bots or regular bots that play legit 2) Because I'm now im Bronze, the game assumes I cannot win, and matches me up against these bots 100% of the time.

So now, it's almost like you have to get out of Bronze/Silver to avoid these bots and play real humans. Either way, it's things like this that make this game trash. I don't want to play your garbage bots, I want to play someone that has a brain and will realize this game sucks and help each other out, because bots don't and just play normal.