Quote from Pinetree622 >> Yeah, after HSD's explanation, it might actually make sense why Donald did not have any pie and sides requirements. I guess that means other paths would go down to 2k and 3k subsequently for the next tiers then.
They do
Yeah, after HSD's explanation, it might actually make sense why Donald did not have any pie and sides requirements. I guess that means other paths would go down to 2k and 3k subsequently for the next tiers then.
Quote from iamlegend0824 >> Early bird gets the worm...every time. Lol
yeah but, that was his lvl 2 upgrade, without his original 8k card you will end up with 74/75 madden pies for calvin
That's what I get for looking at the promo an hour late! At least I got the 90 Donald, so 6k food saved I guess, but could have been a lot more :(
Quote from korndawg >> Amazing how such an inept company could make millions off of stupid people like us.
This is the funniest post I've read in ages.
Quote from Forte_Oz_to_Freedom >> Quote from TeddyTwo >> I suppose I should've grabbed him when I had the chance lol
Me too. I didn't realize I had enough food at first. When I finally went to get him, I got kicked out with an unknown error. When I got back in, he was gone.
I had enough, but figured I'd build Barry first since I wanted him the most. How stupid do I feel... :liros:
Quote from TeddyTwo >> I suppose I should've grabbed him when I had the chance lol
IF it reappears
Amazing how such an inept company could make millions off of stupid people like us.
I was able to grab him for 2k on my main but didn’t get to on my alt. Was a nice little thing to catch for once.
Quote from Dliebs97 >> Quote from TeddyTwo >> I suppose I should've grabbed him when I had the chance lol
The bigger issue may be for those who DID grab him. When the set reappars, is the 90 version already unlocked since they got him? Or do they have to start over and have wasted 2k food?
as the title states - seems to be a glitch...