
Request to Make Master Series Primetime a PR

Or option of CB/PR. He already has evolvable CB card and prob will get a UL.  I know its unlikely,  program already built...but we need a PR.....Sanders was a top STer as well   NFL 100 has K/P choice set.  Thanks for u r consideration.


Quote from starkmm >> No thanks. I don't play MS no more.

 I don't either, not seriously anyway. However, I would play for a Niners Primetime.


No thanks. I don't play MS no more.


not sure exactly what i would do but a choice would be awesome


Id go for a PR. its a useless slot but I don't want to waste any TP on a CB I wont roster long. I'm happier taking Evans/NTL/Megatron to 98 by then.


Who wants to waste PR spot for a tier 4?  And who wants to waste 250k TP just to get him to 70/70?


I like that idea too. But as stated before because of the high OVR I would probably pick the CB too


Quote from gohogsgo71 >> Make him a Niner with the video of him high-stepping past the Falcons bench

 I've been waiting for years to get a Niners Primetime!

it can easily be argued he had the best season of his career when he was with us. He already has an evolve Faclons card, which I'm sure was chose as ATL because he already had an evolve Cowboys card. The only other thing to do to make this card relevant, is to make it a Niner or make it a PR.


Excellent idea. I support this


I'm down with this


Make him a Niner with the video of him high-stepping past the Falcons bench

That would be great


I don't return punts much


I need a 60 power master player more than I need a PR - do what the rest of us do....plug in a Gold II punter with 50 power in there and never think about PR again.


Or just switch it from Prime to Champ Bailey or Charles Woodson.


Better yet, change him to Marshon Lattimore.


A choice would be nice. I'd probably still take the CB rental and just delay evo of my current Deion but why not give a choice.


I like that idea


Just threw it out there, would be nice to have an option. Tons of DBs, Master series are all IV power too?.....its my worst player with ll power.


Yes please I am down for this


Quote from Rattz68 >> Or option of CB/PR. He already has evolvable CB card and prob will get a UL.  I know its unlikely,  program already built...but we need a PR.....Sanders was a top STer as well   NFL 100 has K/P choice set.  Thanks for u r consideration.

 I don't think anyone wants the highest overall card in the game (for at least a month) to be a freaking PR