
EA Thank You for the Better Responsiveness and Reactions, BUT, please spend time investing in other features

I really appreciate the better communication and responsiveness this season. Even (failed) attempts to address key issues like stumbling HB's are noticed. However, I would make the request that you slow down or stop the amount of resources and efforts to fix OD and focus on the other parts of the game. 

OD is not football and because of the real-time nature of it, not only is it sensitive to network and other delays (which seem to always happen when you least can afford it), it magnifies the other bugs in the gameplay. Also, since we still don't have accurate film, I for one still don't always believe the score is accurately being kept anyway. It's truly a frustrating element of the game that does not bring joy to me, and to play the other elements and be competitive and build a team, though, I play it to get the rewards.

  1. League vs. League - there's still an opportunity to focus on the real football elements of the game and add strategy back into Madden.

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