
The Death of Programs

I can't be the only one disappointed in how programs have completely taken a backseat to OD and feel stale and irrelevant. Here is why:

Multiple Dead Days: Unlike past years where we would have events rotating at various times of the day, we have set days and little reason to log on and play after completing the few events we're offered. It feels like the end of a Madden year rather than the beginning.

Events Require Overdrive: In years past, you could spam events maybe 30 times if you timed your stamina right. Now it is literally impossible to spam events like that on a daily basis due to the requirement of Blitz Tokens and how few are handed out per OD win and loss. Events shouldn't be linked to OD. Who wants to win 6 OD matches to spam an event at a cost of 150 tokens?

Sad Rewards: Remember when you had a fair shot at pulling a gold or elite from an event that you could complete in 45 seconds? Now it is rare to have an event you can actually pull a player from, players are almost always golds and events require playing a full season game. That means more time spent playing for inferior rewards.

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