
Price floors...and Promos

The past 2 Important promos have been called “Bad Promos”. The main reason has been the AH usability throughout the promo and not being able to get any reward for their effort. This is due to nothing selling because of price floors which help no one. Price ceilings help players become affordable, but price floors do quite the opposite especially when the price floor is almost double the market value. If you remove price floors for 85s-89s like you did for 90s then I believe more people would actually enjoy this promo. It makes people coins while also getting rid of peoples bench whilst giving players value again. 85-89s Shouldn't be more expensive than 90 ovrs. Just this one change at-least makes promos more manageable while giving the players the choice of what to do. Also, it would probably boost $$$ from packs including 85+ ovrs....just a thought...

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