
Please EA

Can we exchange our Masters Series players who can no longer make our squad? I'd appreciate the training points and front office points from them and I believe everyone else would agree. If they are required for the future Mahomes just give us a token upon exchange to sit on our bench rather than a useless player that actually has some value to us in other ways. This would be really great! I have 5 fully trained sitting on my bench that's quite a bit of TP and front office points. Thank you for considering this.


If you want any madden series player that is 10 power (not upgraded) can be used in evo sets...if that helps


Ain't gonna happen


Quote from Spud >> Deaf ears bruh.

 So far, but I believe this will happen! Win-Win and a good opportunity for Nick to come through with something the community has asked for and shouldn't be too time-consuming to make happen. I’ll just believe and everyone else can be skeptical until it happens. Lol