The swipe system to regain balance I think is a decent use of balance (especially when you get tackled by the ground), but the swipes never register...I dont really care that much if that happens to my hb since he probably would get tackled 2 seconds later. However, this quarterback swipe to regain balance is absurd...It works as a concept, but when your swipes do not register and you still constantly move your qb to set his feet it does not feel like it should...For example, if my qb gets tapped by my own oline and gets the swipe animation popup and I try to swipe whilst moving to make my own oline move with me the swipe does not go away no matter how many times I swipe and then when you try to throw you shank it to your feet... I could provided video pretty easily, but do not feel like it is needed since it has happened alot to me, so it probably has a decent effect on everyone. While the swipe popup should stay, it needs to be fixed if you want it to be in the game. It shouldn’t keep saying swipe when you swipe the screen 100 times...
The swipe system to regain balance I think is a decent use of balance (especially when you get tackled by the ground), but the swipes never register...I dont really care that much if that happens to my hb since he probably would get tackled 2 seconds later. However, this quarterback swipe to regain balance is absurd...It works as a concept, but when your swipes do not register and you still constantly move your qb to set his feet it does not feel like it should...For example, if my qb gets tapped by my own oline and gets the swipe animation popup and I try to swipe whilst moving to make my own oline move with me the swipe does not go away no matter how many times I swipe and then when you try to throw you shank it to your feet... I could provided video pretty easily, but do not feel like it is needed since it has happened alot to me, so it probably has a decent effect on everyone. While the swipe popup should stay, it needs to be fixed if you want it to be in the game. It shouldn’t keep saying swipe when you swipe the screen 100 times...