
Why were milestones introduced? (Rant)

I feel like milestones were introduced just to lower the amount of people who would be angry from the lower amount of people getting a free overdrive player. The one time we can get something by grinding broken and at the same time they reduce the amount f people who get an 87-91. Giving a 87 LB isnt game a player 93 speed and 99 acceleration this early is game breaking (but behind a pay wall)... Who has actually even looked at the overdrive screen to actually WANT to play overdrive. Cant even get a main promo without overdrive. They should just get an entirely new QA team cause I feel bad for the people play testing this game. They have to sit there and play this shitty finger bash fest and can not even be awake enough to find any of the 100 bugs. Soon they will just use bots to see if there is anything wrong because they do not want to play the game... I think we can all be sure this is the last year of Madden Mobile and if there is another season. Just imagine how much worse it will be.


Timer is about to end, and still no fix....  Lets put a timer on this achievement and lets make sure its impossible to complete it because we bugged all the coaches and captains, so we want them to play more OD for the achievement but actually cant complete it, win-win for us they play more and we give them less

Quote from Ailman >> EA expects everyone to have 4 teams, almost everything in Overdrive is supposed to make people spend more money. The bot is to make sure you stay around 50% wins, you're winning to much they step in. If you're losing and it looks like you might quit they give you a freebee win. 

I like Asphalt 9 and Hawk Freedom Squad

 I could use one of those freebies right now. I have gone from 178k fans last night to 109k fans today. Roughly 15 straight losses. GG EA.


Clash Royale


Quote from Ailman >> EA expects everyone to have 4 teams, almost everything in Overdrive is supposed to make people spend more money. The bot is to make sure you stay around 50% wins, you're winning to much they step in. If you're losing and it looks like you might quit they give you a freebee win. 

I like Asphalt 9 and Hawk Freedom Squad

 There you go


I’ve been splitting my time between Madden and BoxingStar.


Quote from BillWalton >> The milestone totally turns OD into season mode where you just play unranked in bronze/silver against stupid bot.  You can easily go 150-0 W-L while only need to score 300-400 points per match.  The problem right now is the milestone can't do it twice.

 Its better to play ranked because you get 2.5k more points for a win and 1k for a loss, much easier than unranked to reach at least the 500k mark


The milestone totally turns OD into season mode where you just play unranked in bronze/silver against stupid bot.  You can easily go 150-0 W-L while only need to score 300-400 points per match.  The problem right now is the milestone can't do it twice.


Bottom line: They want you to feel the need to spend money to acquire players of different schemes and ultimately they make money.


They introduce them because they know most coaches and captains are not viable and need people use them. Lol.


So they could break something else?


EA expects everyone to have 4 teams, almost everything in Overdrive is supposed to make people spend more money. The bot is to make sure you stay around 50% wins, you're winning to much they step in. If you're losing and it looks like you might quit they give you a freebee win. 

I like Asphalt 9 and Hawk Freedom Squad