Quote from leauxryder51 >> Quote from TeddyTwo >> CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!!
1) SneakyAmish - 1MHC 2) catniss11 - 1MHC 3) Ballsy - 1MHC 4) waterchickens31 - 1MHC 5) Animalman1424 - 1MHC
Seriously?? I actually won??? Hahah THANK YOU!! I never win anything lol
Quote from TeddyTwo >> CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!!
1) SneakyAmish - 1MHC 2) catniss11 - 1MHC 3) Ballsy - 1MHC 4) waterchickens31 - 1MHC 5) Animalman1424 - 1MHC
Grand Prize 1) leauxryder51 - 5MHC
Holy crap! I just logged onto MH and saw that I won! I can't believe it because I never win anything haha. Thank you so much, Teddy! You are amazing. Good luck with your future endeavors. You are an awesome person. :D
Quote from Bouncer014 >> Quote from Apex >> Ive noticed this, not a single person who quits comes back saying they missed the game, at all.
We have definitely had posts from time to time from people who quit and are then giving the game another go (generally asking for advice on the most efficient way to get going again), so it happens!
Quote from TeddyTwo >> Winners paid. Thanks for entering, enjoyed reading what everyone had to say. Winners in Post #2 as well..
1) SneakyAmish - 1MHC 2) catniss11 - 1MHC 3) Ballsy - 1MHC 4) waterchickens31 - 1MHC 5) Animalman1424 - 1MHC
Grand Prize 1) leauxryder51 - 5MHC
Thanks man!
Quote from TeddyTwo >> Winners paid. Thanks for entering, enjoyed reading what everyone had to say. Winners in Post #2 as well..
1) SneakyAmish - 1MHC 2) catniss11 - 1MHC 3) Ballsy - 1MHC 4) waterchickens31 - 1MHC 5) Animalman1424 - 1MHC
Grand Prize 1) leauxryder51 - 5MHC
Congrats guys!
Hey thanks man! And good luck on a maddenless life!! I hear the grass is much greener on the other!
Winners paid. Thanks for entering, enjoyed reading what everyone had to say. Winners in Post #2 as well..
1) SneakyAmish - 1MHC 2) catniss11 - 1MHC 3) Ballsy - 1MHC 4) waterchickens31 - 1MHC 5) Animalman1424 - 1MHC
Grand Prize 1) leauxryder51 - 5MHC
Quote from Apex >> Ive noticed this, not a single person who quits comes back saying they missed the game, at all.
We have definitely had posts from time to time from people who quit and are then giving the game another go (generally asking for advice on the most efficient way to get going again), so it happens!
I don't think it happens very often, and I sure as heck don't get it myself, but to each their own! Quote from papichulo2358
Very interesting read! I've never dove into the mobile game but your perspective definitely gives me an idea of what I'm not missing out on. If in fact you are done, I salute you as it is obvious that you're a great MH member. Wonderful giveaway and some awesome entries. I'm not in. Although, it would be hard to top the time I lost my vi...
I love playing with dogs, mostly my friends' dogs since I don't have my own :( Here are some pictures of them https://imgur.com/a/XfzCgZJ
As is customary when you stop playing a mobile game, one must announce to the community the decision to leave in a deep, reflective soliloquy and thank those that helped you along the way. As much as I love to hear myself talk (or read myself write), I'm well aware that no one gives a censor! With that being said, for Nicky Mess and the rest of the EA crew, I'd like to point out the reasons this game has lost its zing (for me), why Teddy has lost his joy (first person identification!), and why ultimately Corduroy never found his button. I also have some MHC that needs a better home and want to give away some to someone that will use it for raffles and not just pick-ems :lol:
First of all, I'm a F2P user. I know F2P has almost a crossfit or vegan reputation because people seem to wear it as an "I'm better than you" badge of honor. But that's not why I bring it up. I bring it up because my entire vantage point is through that lens. Obviously heavy and/or moderate spenders may have a different perspective here but this is how the landscape looks to me. So here goes: