QB play is wildly erratic this year. After being sorely disappointed in HOF Marino, I have kept using ACE Watson and will continue to do so until I get a better free QB or a Legend I like.
He is just fine for me.Only overthrow i notice is on throw on run situations,but im sure it happens to all QBs.And Gronk is just a beast,like a tank out there.:)Im sorry i rushed for the bosses but im not a single bit sorry for getting them.
Quote from OhCaptain20 >> I could not disagree more and I'm a Lions fan so it's in my DNA to bash him.
I’ll double down on that...Rodgers has been fantastic for me.
This happens with all players all the time. I had such temporary issues with all QBs I had. Just play another 10-20 games to get a real feel.
Quote from paski75 >> Quote from feedthemonster >> Got the 93, and he almost seems to play worse than my 88 marino. I don't get it.
93 ???
Lol.... well, he's 93 on my team. Even worse. My favorite mf rodgers to gronk play (both 93) is gronk going for a te in route and the ball bounces right off gronks head.... priceless. #awareness0
Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Bro all cards play the same, ARod won't play different from 72 Blaine Gabbert, we have been over this
That 72 gabbert is pretty bad. I have noticed the only position that stats kind of matter is qb. Rodgers plays just as good as any other 90ish qb
my 90 Rodgers has been overthrowing too, not happy about that. happened within the last week....
Bro all cards play the same, ARod won't play different from 72 Blaine Gabbert, we have been over this
Quote from Click916 >> My arod has been lights out , 4th quarter arod lol
Been great for me, throws on the run, runs well not overly fast but gets the job done.
Quote from Click916 >> My arod has been lights out , 4th quarter arod lol
That's funny. I've been using 90 Rodgers (Video) and in the last 24 hours he's been overthrowing and underthrowing everything, I went from top 500 to 1200 with five straight loses. I thought it was EA nerfing him because there's a higher rated version available now. But I think it's like Allman wrote....when the game wants you to lose, you're gonna lose.
Is this just DDA? Has he already been nerfed by EA? He just overthrows or underthrows everyone all the time. I’ve lost 10 OD matches in a row directly because of his poor play. I’m extremely disappointed with him. 90 Tom Brady was way better and way cheaper. Save your money and coins for a better QB. Thanks EA for the constant buyers remorse with your underperforming BS “bosses” that can’t be bothered to be remotely accurate on a 10 yard pass.