
I think I speak for everyone?

Just take out 50% win rate. Who cares if people do bad in overdrive. If you lose constantly let it be because you are not good. Usually if someone is bad then they try to get better. But as of right now nothing is cohesive. Since we have people who are 500+ power. 80 ovrs vs 90 ovrs... If you do not have players anymore because the game is bad then remove the PvP aspect... If we are giving away free Ws for participation that is just deafening all the people who said do not make any fixing of matches. The fact that this bot situation even happened is kind of depressing to see a company not even say “we are implementing a new system that is to help newer players get more aquainted with PvP aspect” But bots in general (player interaction settings) should not be in the game PERIOD.


I agree. I have been playing lots of players who paid all that money for the MF BOSS's and I am still able to beat them over 50% of the time, which is why I REFUSED to spend a dime on this garbage promo. One of the aspects I like about OD is it required skill, play calling and timing. The days of pray and throw the ball Hail Mary style are over. So many times these NOOBS try that shit and I get 2-3 INT a game off it


I'm 118-73 in Overdrive. It's really all about the scheme, not the players, to a certain degree (unless you get DDA'd, which sucks.)


Quote from Kaxyz >> Just take out 50% win rate. Who cares if people do bad in overdrive. If you lose constantly let it be because you are not good. Usually if someone is bad then they try to get better. But as of right now nothing is cohesive. Since we have people who are 500+ power. 80 ovrs vs 90 ovrs... If you do not have players anymore because the game is bad then remove the PvP aspect... If we are giving away free Ws for participation that is just deafening all the people who said do not make any fixing of matches. The fact that this bot situation even happened is kind of depressing to see a company not even say “we are implementing a new system that is to help newer players get more aquainted with PvP aspect” But bots in general (player interaction settings) should not be in the game PERIOD.


Currently at a 64% win rate this season. There’s not as much skill required