
EA getting around the system?

I do not know if this was posted, or just not mentioned. But I feel we will be getting more coin live events for players instead of packs. This is because they do not need to show pack odds for events whereas store packs need pack odds. So the live events are a cop out for not having to show the scam that is their company. This can be shown by the fact we have never had coin purchasable live events before. Again I dont know if anyone else thought this, but just wanted to share a two sense.


I'm willing to bet that the pull rate is like 1 in 1000 or something like that. It's not 5%. When we get the primetime boom or bust packs those cards flood the AH. Lynch hasn't flooded the AH like we saw from Fulton the other day


Yeah many people here tried to save ea by saying its just another way of opening packs what they dint see is you can loose thos events sometimes and ea loot ur coins


Sure, they don't have to post odds, but we all know it's terrible odds anyway.


I thought the same


Makes sense to me.