Quote from Rehxfnek >> Here is the new fact as a major aspect of the test - contestants can submit bots that play games against other bots until the Halite ranking algorithm determined a player. Measure your bots performance without facing Epson error code 0x97 in your printer device.
ha ha, i had to check the link!! 🤣
Here is the new fact as a major aspect of the test - contestants can submit bots that play games against other bots until the Halite ranking algorithm determined a player. Measure your bots performance without facing Epson error code 0x97 in your printer device.
This is my first game and I have a 3 win streak from my history, but that should affect anything. I give you 4 images and it checks out to be a bot from the achievements stand point, but the film messed up my drive and said it was his. For his 9th drive. While that is not that big of a glitch. I scored 5 tds which in my reguard is due to his Allen Safety running from one side of the field to the other faster than my diamond cooper. But is this a bot or no? Because arent bots supposed to be wins? I made good enough decisions to be able to beat a bot? Or am I that bad that a bot beats me on the last play? Just wanna know if this is a bot because he has fans, but nothing else. Just a heads up bots are not always easy...with these new enraged golds that are better than diamonds.
http://imgur.com/idTT4Xn http://imgur.com/GR467LU http://imgur.com/i3INUD3 http://imgur.com/C0GtEnK