Winning streaks? What are those? I'm currently on a 10 game losing streak. Before this I won four games. This has happened to me for the past 3+ days whether in ranked or unranked. Needless to say I'm still stuck in Silver 1 despite making HOF last OD season. Just give us old matchmaking, and keep OD style. It'd actually be fun that way. I'm tired of being nerfed so I'm forced to only win 30% of games now.
Also getting the same tactic played against you 5 times in the same match isn't fun especially when they get points for failures and you get a pat on the back for passing. Pretty fed up atm. More so than ever
Agreed. It is beyond my comprehension. One reaches suspicion of mechanics beyond what meet the eye when repeatedly you fail to do what you have done so many times before without there being any ingredient that would explain such a drop in ability. It is one thing for the match-making to select different opponents based on your previous wins or losses, it's another if game mechanics are altered.
Before I would all attribute this to pure paranoia or conspiracy theories, but I cannot keep on explaining and attributing those lose streaks on myself, because all of the sudden that defensive team of my opponent is blitzing my running back with three to four people even before he hits the line of scrimmage and sees through every play I choose.
I think in the end what Overdrive hurts most is the 50/50 match-making which makes no sense to put someone out of the gold tier against a high ranked hall of fame player simply because he had 4 wins, and some apparent mechanics to combat spamming that creates unexplainable changes (I call it Marvel mode, where e.g. gold cards somehow outrun a 90 RB) in the gameplay what look and feel highly artificial. The experience is not authentic if some under the hood boosting is going on. I cannot explain it differently.
Something very wierd happened to me tonight. I'm on a 6 game win streak all opponents ranked higher. Strange, I quit while I was ahead and happy. I knew the 5 game losing streak was coming very soon.
Agree, you win a couple of matches, then you can just write off the next match, no chance of making any completions.
Lose a couple of matches and your receivers will pluck everything out of the air.
Your level of opponent has at best a marginal influence.
Give us a totally random opponent with no nerfing, that is the only fair way.
Quote from mattycarlton9 >> This whole game is already *sad
Let me fix that for ya
These winning and losing streaks are insane. Can score 1500+ easily on a win streak and struggle like heck to score on a losing streak. EA what is the reason of making us losers or even winners? Why dictate who wins and who loses. Drops, overthrows, amazing coverage or blown coverage, etc..are either in your favor or against you. I want to play real H2H where there is no handicap for either side. It doesn’t make sense to frustrate players. We are not test dummies for this 50/50 nonsense. The only way to increase success is to spam spam spam, which is insane. I know it’s still early in the season, but I’m afraid this will be a spam filled year.