Anyone else noticing how good the AI is? Since I have been spamming overdrive in an attempt to get HOF for the free elite... I noticed how my offensive line actually switches assignments and double teams better players like real players would...Also, moving around the quarterback rather than past years just standing there and not blocking anyone (in my case). Just seems they look much smarter....
This might just be my case, but have you noticed some players tendencies being used in the game...For example, Kamara will always use his hand to balance and hit the ground to get off being tackled, or not try to truck, but rather slip away from a tackle by not usig force. Just litytle things that remind you of the player that you are actually using to make it more enjoyable.
Anyone else noticing how good the AI is? Since I have been spamming overdrive in an attempt to get HOF for the free elite... I noticed how my offensive line actually switches assignments and double teams better players like real players would...Also, moving around the quarterback rather than past years just standing there and not blocking anyone (in my case). Just seems they look much smarter....
This might just be my case, but have you noticed some players tendencies being used in the game...For example, Kamara will always use his hand to balance and hit the ground to get off being tackled, or not try to truck, but rather slip away from a tackle by not usig force. Just litytle things that remind you of the player that you are actually using to make it more enjoyable.