
A plea: let us do something with Field pass masters-exchange/EVO

So with the next Field pass masters being Terrell Owens and Champ Bailey, this is even more of an issue.

TO has no space on my team. I'm running GOM Michael Thomas and T100 Randy Moss, with Tyreek coming soon (And will likely just take T100 Fitz as some point). We'll have Master series Deion early next month which will likely be another CB1 only type of player like Champ usually is. And we all know that Master Series is non-exchangeable.

I have Peyton sitting on my bench. Strahan may end up there. Sean Taylor will be end game likely. Now we'll have the choice of these two. Some may want to keep them, some may not. But shouldn't we have that choice?

Peyton especially is annoying, as I'll never use that card again guaranteed. So it's lost TP for that short time I used him.  Is there a plan for these cards?


Quote from ncannelora1 >> The only Master I had grinded to get was Strahan. When I realized he'd be useless once I didn't want him, I decided he'd be the last until UF. So, I didn't bother to grind for Lewis or Urlacher, knowing they wouldn't be end-game for me. S Taylor was going to be, so I grinded for him as well. I run SFO, so Owens will be fore me, too.

Gotta learn from my own mistakes/oversights. I'm not going to waste time begging EA to give me a break about it.

 Urlacher can be auctioned


The only Master I had grinded to get was Strahan. When I realized he'd be useless once I didn't want him, I decided he'd be the last until UF. So, I didn't bother to grind for Lewis or Urlacher, knowing they wouldn't be end-game for me. S Taylor was going to be, so I grinded for him as well. I run SFO, so Owens will be fore me, too.

Gotta learn from my own mistakes/oversights. I'm not going to waste time begging EA to give me a break about it.


I mean I agree with you 100%.. I didn't wan't Payton I bought the field pass for the 3,400 MC or whatever it is and the other stuff it comes with.. I ended up getting him by default and I do wish I could do something with him.. Even if I can't sell him or use in Evo at least let me exchange him for some TP and FO points that's all I ask.. Plus I pulled a bunch of Team Hero's from the Alumni pack I can't do anything with. I have a feeling they have something planned for the MS later on to get or upgrade Mahomes so I'm not as concerned with those.. Just sucks seeing players sit on your bench and take up space for nothing..


Seems like they did this just for me. 

I remember saying a while ago that my DBs were locked for the rest of the season unless we got an Evo Champ. I still run with 91 Owens just because he's my favorite WR of all time.

Only ones I'd get rid of are Manning because and Strahan because of their lack of speed. I'm only keeping Strahan in lineup because I can't do anything else with him. Peyton never even saw the field.

Edit: Non Evo? Oh hell naw.


The thing with NA cards is we know they are NA from the get go. You know that TP is gone when you use another player. Same with 50 Power Evos. We knew this. I can't see EA allowing any type of change with them


Quote from Blitzerz_MM >> Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from jcole65


Quote from Rshoots >> Quote from Namtih21 >> So with the next Field pass masters being Terrell Owens and Champ Bailey, this is even more of an issue.

TO has no space on my team. I'm running GOM Michael Thomas and T100 Randy Moss, with Tyreek coming soon (And will likely just take T100 Fitz as some point). We'll have Master series Deion early next month which will likely be another CB1 only type of player like Champ usually is. And we all know that Master Series is non-exchangeable.


I mean I will not be purchasing FP because I don't want either of those players, but I also don't have any gems, so I may not be doing anything for a minute


It'd be nice to do something with least Masters Series supposedly has some purpose. Every other card is exchangeable in some way.


Quote from Namtih21 >> So with the next Field pass masters being Terrell Owens and Champ Bailey, this is even more of an issue.

TO has no space on my team. I'm running GOM Michael Thomas and T100 Randy Moss, with Tyreek coming soon (And will likely just take T100 Fitz as some point). We'll have Master series Deion early next month which will likely be another CB1 only type of player like Champ usually is. And we all know that Master Series is non-exchangeable.

I have Peyton sitting on my bench. Strahan may end up there. Sean Taylor will be end game likely. Now we'll have the choice of these two. Some may want to keep them, some may not. But shouldn't we have that choice?


Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from jcole65 >> Quote from Namtih21


Quote from jcole65 >> Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from jcole65


Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from jcole65 >> You do realize that you are under no obligation to obtain any of those players, right? Don't acquire players and then complain that you have them. Creating issues or problems for yourself is your problem not EA's or anyone else's on this forum. If a player will not work out for you, long term or short term for whatever reason, don't acquire that player. Problem solved.


Quote from jcole65 >> Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from jcole65


Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from jcole65 >> You do realize that you are under no obligation to obtain any of those players, right? Don't acquire players and then complain that you have them. Creating issues or problems for yourself is your problem not EA's or anyone else's on this forum. If a player will not work out for you, long term or short term for whatever reason, don't acquire that player. Problem solved.


Quote from jcole65 >> You do realize that you are under no obligation to obtain any of those players, right? Don't acquire players and then complain that you have them. Creating issues or problems for yourself is your problem not EA's or anyone else's on this forum. If a player will not work out for you, long term or short term for whatever reason, don't acquire that player. Problem solved.


This entire response makes no sense.  You stubbed your toe on the way out of bed this morning or something?

EA is a business that needs to make money. They make money off of these field passes. As someone who has purchased one each time thus far, I'm actually considering NOT doing so this time because of this very problem, which affect's EA's bottom line. So yes. It is indeed EA's problem.


You do realize that you are under no obligation to obtain any of those players, right? Don't acquire players and then complain that you have them. Creating issues or problems for yourself is your problem not EA's or anyone else's on this forum. If a player will not work out for you, long term or short term for whatever reason, don't acquire that player. Problem solved.


this, and also Master series guys


I agree that's been my concern with these grandmasters since the beginning. Some of them you just don't want to evolve or use anymore. Would be nice if you can use them for some other sets or something.