
Opinions of New Users?

The general consensus of most seasoned Mobile veterans  is that OD mode is unbearably frustrating, monotonous and simply not fun, thus centering the whole game around it was a mistake.

Are there any new Mobile users who would like to share their opinions?  What are your likes and dislikes?  Would you recommend the game to a friend  (or enemy)?  Do you see yourself playing for the entire season (and possibly beyond that)?


Quote from Rshoots >> I am not a new fan either, but I am new to H2H. Like Captain says above, I was a "reach HOF and walk away" player. This is the first time that I have enjoyed the H2H grind.

Yes, I did say enjoy.  I am as shocked as anyone. I enjoy the strategy, the fast intensity, and I am pleased with my progress. I kind of thought that the OD H2H would push me away, but it is a lot of fun. And I am getting better at the game and learning a lot more of the playbook than I had in past years.

Now, it should have been a mainly stand-alone mini game. So frustrating that so much of the rest of the game revolves around it.  BIG fail by EA on this account.


I am not a new fan either, but I am new to H2H. Like Captain says above, I was a "reach HOF and walk away" player. This is the first time that I have enjoyed the H2H grind.

Yes, I did say enjoy.  I am as shocked as anyone. I enjoy the strategy, the fast intensity, and I am pleased with my progress. I kind of thought that the OD H2H would push me away, but it is a lot of fun. And I am getting better at the game and learning a lot more of the playbook than I had in past years.

Now, it should have been a mainly stand-alone mini game. So frustrating that so much of the rest of the game revolves around it.  BIG fail by EA on this account.

I have a F2P team that I have built in line with my chosen SM captain scheme. My +/-550 power team seems to be able to compete with anyone, except the top ranked players with the top teams.  But I mainly play others ion the 400-700 Power range.  I am slowly climbing the HOF ladder this time.  Probably reach it in a couple of days. There are surely thousands of people that are better than me.  I keep hitting a plateau around 3500-2500 rank where I start to lose.  Frankly, I''ll probably never make it to Top 1000 but I want to see what I can do if I push myself.


I am by no means a new user, but would like to weigh in from this standpoint:

In the beginning (i.e MM15, MM16, MM17) HOF was a grind that required 10 million fans. The beauty of it was that when you hit HOF (and honestly a good majority of users were doing it strictly for the Madden Master collectibles) you could walk away and never play the mode again. So for people like me, I would grind the crap out of it and reach HOF by late September. Then I would literally never enter that section of the game again. You could also keep your overall relatively low (at least through MM16) to matchup with equal players in terms of level and overall.

In MM18 the structure changed and 5 million fans was the requirement, but it went in 30 day "seasons". They added rewards so playing was still optional, but now you might be rewarded every 30 days for playing.

In Overdrive the fan count is lowered to 182K, but with the new format, fans are tougher to obtain and the loss of fans when you lose makes it a one step forward two steps back approach. Not to mention that ow the mode actually is in an integral part of a promo. So in a sense it feels mandatory, but to counter that EA added an unranked mode that still allows you to grab promo points/objectives without losing fans.


Quote from Jenson1981 >> OD will be less monotonous without spamming... maybe EA will get it fixed at some place

 The whole point of OD is to spam. It's not meant to be a skills based challenge

If it was skill based, bad players would quit, therefore not spend money

If they force us to do it to gain any rewards, they can't cut out the bottom half of their user base, it has to be easy


Quote from Jenson1981 >> OD will be less monotonous without spamming... maybe EA will get it fixed at some place

 We will probably be waiting until Madden “overdrive 2020” for that to happen


OD will be less monotonous without spamming... maybe EA will get it fixed at some place


Overdrive isn't the problem, it's how everything is run through it, making it monotonous like you state.

I was new last season, I barely played h2h until thanksgiving, buying packs, collecting cards, earning masters was a lot more fun

I only played h2h to get Master Brady, then I liked the MC rewards so kept playing

The only way to avoid OD is collecting mics, or working the AH, that's what I don't like