
EA, just tell us when we are marked for a loss and stop wasting our time

We should be just told when we are marked for a loss in OD. We all know when you go on winning streaks, you’re then “matched up” with other users with same mmr or whatever it’s called, but Imo that doesn’t mean squat. You’re going to lose regardless as your qb will start overthrowing, wr not catching, ol not blocking, etc, etc. Obviously there are people on this board that will disagree automatic loss that’s fine, you’re right to your opinion, as I am. With that said, just tell us when we are supposed to lose no matter what and stop wasting our time.Thanks.


Quote from jimboparadise >> Here's an example from yesterday.  I was ranked in the mid-3000's (thanks to a 1-9 slide) and my opponent was ranked in the mid-200's with a +150 power advantage.  I thought for sure I was toast after how badly I had been playing so it was to my surprise when I won the first match handily (1400-500).  I did another search and we matched again.  Just like the first match everything was working and I won by a similar margin.  After winning a match against a different player I wound up hitting this same guy for a 3rd time, only this time everything had changed.  Using the same gameplay/strategy as the first two games all of the sudden none of my receivers would come open.  When I got a run challenge every single one of them got stuffed behind the line.  When I did have an open receiver my QB would overthrow them by 5 yards.  Adding insult to injury I even had a fumble one play.  I went from scoring 1400+ against this opponent to not even reaching 500.


I agree 100% with this. The winner is predetermined in every match. I don’t care what the EA shills on here say. They have zero credibility anyways.


Quote from RobinBancs >> Quote from zoombang >>  actually it is very true. There are always exceptions but books rarely want to be overexposed on one side or the other. Why would they? They make their money on the vig. 

As to your claim.....ATL -2.5? At what book? Look at VegasInsider.Com. No book ever had Atlanta -2.5.


Head 2 head has been rigged every year that is why it's my least favorite.

Grinding this promo has shown me 100% EA has something to do with wins or loses

If you don't believe get to the top 1000 and then comment


Quote from RobinBancs >> Quote from zoombang >>  actually it is very true. There are always exceptions but books rarely want to be overexposed on one side or the other. Why would they? They make their money on the vig. 

As to your claim.....ATL -2.5? At what book? Look at VegasInsider.Com. No book ever had Atlanta -2.5.


Quote from nvgjim >> EA doesn't fix matches. They simply selected more difficult opponnents for you until you start losing.  ....

 It has to be more than this.  It's gotten to the point that I'd rather be matched up with someone 300 power more, all elites on D and ranked several thousand above me instead of someone the opposite ranked 20k+ with a gold team.  Happened to me just last night, numerous times.  The "hard" opponent was easy and I won 1500-500, and the easy opponent was impossible and I lose something similar to the opposite.

I believe the game is trying to compensate for mismatches in team strength by adjusting the difficulty that you play at.  The problem is the difficulty adjustments account for WAY more than a few OVR.


OD is heavily favor people who throw deep, not playing the right way. It is like in MLB where people aim for homerun instead of put the ball in field. It is like in NBA. You shoot more 3s rather than getting down low and work on your post game.

One crazy example in OD is like this: case #1: If you start the match with 4 checkdown passes and scores the TD, this gives you 118 points. (20 yards for 20pts; TD for 60pts; 4 catches for 28pts and first down for 10pts). And you are 20 yards in Graham's bonus.

case #2: But if you throw deep 4 times and get picked 1, incomplete 1 and scored 2 TDs (on 20 yard one and 50 yard one), you actually would get 204 points while your opponent gets 25. And you are 70 yards in Graham's bonus.

Case #2 is a bad football, but a good in OD.

Quote from nvgjim >> EA doesn't fix matches. They simply selected more difficult opponnents for you until you start losing.

It has been clearly stated that the matchmaking aims for a 50/50 W/L ratio.

Therefore, the logical new feature they need to add is "coin toss" mode.

In this mode instead of playing a painful 3 minute OD match, you simply flip a digital coin and either get all of the win rewards or lose and take the fan hit.

Sound ridiculous? This is the logic of the matchmaking they added to Overdrive.

Losing to an opponent who has more or equal power/higher OVR is understandable.  I think the main contention is losing to players who you should have dominated as your power/OVR is much higher than theirs.  I've had plenty of games that I started with +2 OVR and it felt like I was playing against a team of diamond players.  Conversely, I've had games where I fully expected to lose only to see the opponent barely score anything against me.


I love when the you lose mechanic triggers. I've had matches where 2.5 minutes my receivers are playing well and then for the last 30 secs, they all go into butterfingers mode on wide open passes on consecutive throws allowing my opponent to catch up with 1-play TDs.


EA doesn't fix matches. They simply selected more difficult opponnents for you until you start losing.

It has been clearly stated that the matchmaking aims for a 50/50 W/L ratio.

Therefore, the logical new feature they need to add is "coin toss" mode.

In this mode instead of playing a painful 3 minute OD match, you simply flip a digital coin and either get all of the win rewards or lose and take the fan hit.

Sound ridiculous? This is the logic of the matchmaking they added to Overdrive.


I'm don't think EA fixes matches


Quote from zoombang >>  actually it is very true. There are always exceptions but books rarely want to be overexposed on one side or the other. Why would they? They make their money on the vig. 

As to your claim.....ATL -2.5? At what book? Look at VegasInsider.Com. No book ever had Atlanta -2.5. 

The lines moved, as they always do. They move if too much money is coming in on one they move the line to induce money to come in on the other side. If the books can somehow always get half the action on either side, then they never lose unless someone hits a big parlay, but since the parlay odds are even more heavily in their favor, they rarely worry about this.


Quote from VarriusTX >> Quote from NathanJM0 >> ... it happens on win streaks, it happens on L streaks, it happens against what look like strong opponents and against what look like weak opponents...


Quote from RobinBancs >> Quote from zoombang >> Quote from chieff24


Quote from zoombang >> Quote from chieff24 >> I don't know why EA would care if you win or lose on OD.  Every OD game has one winner and one loser.  EA does not have a horse in the race so why do they care?  If they are using an MMR to match opponents then that is different then predetermining a winner and a loser.


Quote from NathanJM0 >> ... it happens on win streaks, it happens on L streaks, it happens against what look like strong opponents and against what look like weak opponents...

@Bouncer so I don't think we are necessarily discussing the same point.  I'm just trying to say "IT HAPPENS!", and your trying to pinpoint how or why and come to some reasonable analysis of what EA is doing.  I don't know what they are doing, and quite frankly I don't care, I just know that it exists (and so does Nathan, MaddenGuru, etc.) and I'd like THEM to talk a bit about what happens and why, but they don't seem to want to.


I don’t think matches are ‘fixed’, but I do think there is DDA. A theory is a theory until it is debunked or proven true.


Quote from n8DayV >> I feel like most of the people on here didn’t play nbalm showdown last season. The same issues were happening there. You could be fine a few games and then boom, your 99 Curry goes 0-5 from deep while the other guys 80 ovr center drains 2 from downtown. I’m not calling it DDA or anything but something exists. EA ramps up the AI against you. Why? I don’t know. But it happens.

Don’t believe EA messes with AI? Explain how come the 69 offense in the Season Battle Daily Event today cut up my defense for multiple plays in a row. What’s stopping them from randomly doing that with your opponents defense? The ability to adjust AI difficulty has been a part of madden for years. Events like Gauntlet made that obvious.


I feel you Shams.

At this point there's believers and non-believers.....and there isn't much point to trying to prove the existence of something we can't verify to the non-believers.

There isn't much we can do at all except keep playing, hope for the best.....or quit and come back if EA ever fixes the issue.


Quote from Rshoots >> Quote from Dbzfan614 >> Quote from TheRealZtheT