
What...? Overdrive Ball placement......

I have noticed this and It has become too annoying to just let it go. So if “anyone” plays overdrive this will probably be the most hated thing that happens during a pressure. So where does the ball get marked?? My running back runs for 11 yards which the pressure is run 11+ yards. Even on te film it says 11 yards, but I fail the pressure for 90 points....I could have just ran quick slants and counter acted that at that point. 

Biggest thing I find annoying I have seen some people post is that when running across the TD plane it is like you have to be in the middle of the endzone to get it to register...I run and my runningback falls as soon as he is in the endzone and his entire body is landed in the endzone, but yet they mark it on the 1....What?? 

Does anyone get these issues?? I have had these issues for a while, but it just seems worse...It feels like it makes me lose the pressures even when I complete them. And I actually complete them, but OD doesnt believe me....


This happens all the time especially at the end zone!


Sometimes 4-5 times in a drice I catch the ball in te endzone and it's ruled at the 1. Then I spend the next 2-3 plays trying to get a touchdown because my opponents defense turns into blockshed masters.


I've noticed this frequently as well. Fair catch in end zone bit me twice before I learned... I've had multiple TDs that were clearly in the end zone placed at the 1 inch line


Happens to me too. Ball placement is very bad at the time you need it the most


Quote from lunee101 >> I had 2 LvL matches where I caught the ball in the endzone calling fair catch only to be spotted inches out instead of the 25.

 had that happen 2-3 times. Not calling a fair catch unless i'm 2 or more yards deep in my endzone


I had 2 LvL matches where I caught the ball in the endzone calling fair catch only to be spotted inches out instead of the 25.


My favorite is when the line of scrimmage is in the endzone.