
take care fellas...

Take care guys. I havent played since the fourth of july events were going on and the game got boring and I thought it would be a good time to take a break. Its just not something I want to get hooked on again (mainly just too darn time consuming), and by the sounds of the overall tone here, Im not interested in checking out the new game. If the game was still like last years Id be tempted. I dont even have a device capable of playing the new game.

To any of my league mates that recognize my name, it was a pleasure being in your league and playing the game with you. I had a lot of fun but Im done now.

The main reason I logged in was I forgot I have MHC and thought Id give it to one of you guys that might want it. Whoever posts that they want it can have it. First come first serve. Ill just have to figure out how to give it to you so if you could also tell me how to do it, that would be helpful.

edit: 1 MHC to first 2 people.

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