Quote from VarriusTX >> Trust me I'm not one to defend EA, check my recent posts. However, your going to have to pick one. Do you want it to throw or move the QB? When the route and joystick are in the same place, it's going to be one or the other, and it can't read your mind so it won't know which one YOU want. If they fix auto throw, any routes in, near or around the joystick will become unusable. as they will have to deactivate them.
I can not say the joystick issue is or is not causing some of this issue. I had never experienced it until this morning and it was instantly thrown as soon as the ball was snapped, this happened 3 plays in a row. Like I said that is the first time it has ever happened to me, would be really odd that all of a sudden I changed my motion and repeated it 3 times in a row. Also there was a post earlier about the qb throwing it through the uprights, not sure why the joystick would be located in the center of the screen.
No, I bet it's a mistake.
Pocket passing / lamp post / running for the win.
Trust me I'm not one to defend EA, check my recent posts. However, your going to have to pick one. Do you want it to throw or move the QB? When the route and joystick are in the same place, it's going to be one or the other, and it can't read your mind so it won't know which one YOU want. If they fix auto throw, any routes in, near or around the joystick will become unusable. as they will have to deactivate them.
There's no way this is by design, lmao. We all know it's by poor design and another EA "did I do that" moment.
Yea, auto throw is because your thumb is too fat, haha. I had never experienced it until today on my phone. I usually play on a tablet and have no problems.
The problem is many receiver routes run into or around the joystick controller. Once their route is "activated" it doesn't know if your grabbing the joystick or trying to throw a pass. Obviously, sometimes it thinks you want to throw a pass. One thing I can say for certain, it isn't the game doing it, because like I said it doesn't happen on my tablet at all. Your finger is causing it, so either fix it or hope that they change things. But, then we complain that were tapping receivers and it won't throw..
Quote from 94SS >> Quick slants don’t like the QB moved today.
keep your finger on the joystick before you snap the ball and if wont "auto throw"
If that was by design I would have a lot more patience with auto throw.
Quick slants don’t like the QB moved today.