
Why?! I Dont Get It?

So today I finally understood what the overall advantage bonus does and I am surprised at who in their right mind would add that....So basically a team who is 90 ovr facing 79-80 gets 5-6 overall bonus, but alreay has a 5-6 overall advantage so it then makes it a 10-11 overall advantage that you have to overcome with your “skill”. Overalls dont really matter as others have noticed, but what about when 99s come around... a 99 vs anything lower makes the team 100+ (idk if the cap limits overall bonuses). So even though I am at a disadvantage you are going to double my disadvantage to then make it harder...What??? Who thought that giving someone double disadvantage to a mode that matters to the entire games running compacity....I dont know why people are not saying anything about this and how this can contribute to some people believing DDA. Why wouldnt we when we get struck with +5 ovr opponents whos team says a 90, but really is 95-96....this early in the game. You can not say “skill” overcomes twice the overall jump that occurs.

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