Quote from Ailman >> Quote from Ram99 >> Well, isn't EA run by an Evil Woman? (And anytime someone wants to give the dudes who came up with the Overdrive concept a Ticket To The Moon I'm all for it)
Stop making ELO puns :-x
Dude, don't bring me doooooooooooooooown oh no no no no a woo hoo
Quote from Kaxyz >> Quote from jawabomb >> Electric Light Orchestra?
Matchmaking score that says how much skill/winning you do...that dictates your matchmaking opponent...
None of your words start with E, L, or O!
dont bring me down, do ya just want to shine a little love all over the world
Quote from Ram99 >> Well, isn't EA run by an Evil Woman? (And anytime someone wants to give the dudes who came up with the Overdrive concept a Ticket To The Moon I'm all for it)
Stop making ELO puns :-x
Quote from jawabomb >> Electric Light Orchestra?
Not gonna lie, I thought the same thing. Problem is now I have friggin Xanadu stuck in my head!!! THANKS OP!
Well, isn't EA run by an Evil Woman? (And anytime someone wants to give the dudes who came up with the Overdrive concept a Ticket To The Moon I'm all for it)
The matchmaking is pretty stupid. And you have no visible hint if your matchmaking is fair or not. I played #2 today (he got +4ovr) while I was place 50k. Does that mean I am that good that even #2 on the leaderboard with a much better team is a fair matchup for me? Or is #2 that bad that he has to play me?
Quote from jawabomb >> Electric Light Orchestra?
Matchmaking score that says how much skill/winning you do...that dictates your matchmaking opponent...
Can we please have it fixed for ranked...I am still Bronze( I dont like playing a broken gamemode), but I get matched up top100...in Elite 1-HOF...If I win I get 850 fans, but he will most likely get 2000-3500...So you are basically saying if you beat a high ranked player you get less than a low rank beating a high rank. That is kind of a dumb system....The fact that every other MM has had tiers that mean something, but tiers only count toward rewards dont make sense....So what is the point of our rank besides the rewards? We basically dont go against people around our rank and we dont feel the force of HOF in HOF, but in every other rank under it. And even if we lose it does not contribute to our Elo enough to make any difference...