
EA please fix this...(Captain Bonus Kamara)

So I go for my captain bonus the first few seconds of the game and usually get it by 1:30-1:45 depending on my luck and the perfect pass/run combination. However, I use Kamara which did get fixed last update, but now spme yards do not count. For example, the first play you run is 20 yards away, but if you pass and run then it is only 18 yards according to the bonus counter. I feel that that should not happen...I thank you for fixing the doubling glitch, but if you could fix it so that it actually counts every yard that would make it more useful since it can cost you using 1-2 more plays along with time which we do not have a lot of. This feel like it is more due to ball placement being wrong at time which can mess up that bonus. I know there are other bugs with other captains that have some more importance, but atleast looking at this and fixing it soon would make Spread users a little happier...




I don't think EA's focus is to make anyone happy...