
Questions on this week TOTW Players

Is any of this weeks TOTW players worth picking up. I have about 5,000 points just did not know if any are worth getting.


Quote from soundslave09 >> Even though there are a lot of QBs, I really like Mahomes' scheme, THP and TAD.

Ditto here. Then again, I already have an 83 Stafford Base Elite, who plays up to an 86, so Mahomes wouldn't be (just speaking numbers) that much of an upgrade for me.

I really like the Swearinger card, but I already have lots of lower-level Elite CB and S cards.

I actually could use the Darius Leonard card to replace my last Gold II LB, but his stats seem pretty underwhelming, tbh.


Even though there are a lot of QBs, I really like Mahomes' scheme, THP and TAD.


I am considering Swearinger, but honesty am flush with safeties lately. will likely pass for another week (10k tokens rotting on my bench) I am not sure why I am waiting to spend. with an 84 OVR team, none of these guys blow me away.

any chance they up the OVR later in the year?


I have 5k but going to pass for another week


I was debating using my measly 1500 lol


I have the 5000 also but I'm passing this week.


I might get the safety if I had the points


What's your team looking like?