Explaination: (skip to main point if you do not want to read?)
Today I have played a few matchhes of OD and I have lost because of bad passes and some from weird occurances, but seemed fair for the most part. Nothing really too out of the ordinary, so I was thinking maybe a run of decent opponents of my power level. Never had a power disadvantage or advantage until my last game. He was a 480 power team and I am 630. It gave +1 ovr...He had almost all gold and maybe 1-2 elites...I have almost full elite defense and full offense elite except oline (elite oline plays worse than gold). I get that a lower power should be able to compete and I agree there should be a middle ground, but to the point I can not run a single run play and my wrs are slower even with 85 speed is a bit much.... My wr get serpartion well against higher rated teams to the point I just lob and have my 6’4” and 6’7” wr/TE just jump over the DB for an easy td unless I bullet pass to get a quick td. Anyway, my opponent only used FL drive the entire match while I was going through 3-4 plays...I get 1-3 tds from Fl drive, but 10...really??? My defense might not be the best, but usually gets 70-90 points against high ovr teams and 30-50 from aroud my power, but 0 and he got 61 from ints from DBs running from the ther side of the field and making and one hand backhanded catch...Idk if this is even possible in real football, but whatever.
Explaination: (skip to main point if you do not want to read?)
Today I have played a few matchhes of OD and I have lost because of bad passes and some from weird occurances, but seemed fair for the most part. Nothing really too out of the ordinary, so I was thinking maybe a run of decent opponents of my power level. Never had a power disadvantage or advantage until my last game. He was a 480 power team and I am 630. It gave +1 ovr...He had almost all gold and maybe 1-2 elites...I have almost full elite defense and full offense elite except oline (elite oline plays worse than gold). I get that a lower power should be able to compete and I agree there should be a middle ground, but to the point I can not run a single run play and my wrs are slower even with 85 speed is a bit much.... My wr get serpartion well against higher rated teams to the point I just lob and have my 6’4” and 6’7” wr/TE just jump over the DB for an easy td unless I bullet pass to get a quick td. Anyway, my opponent only used FL drive the entire match while I was going through 3-4 plays...I get 1-3 tds from Fl drive, but 10...really??? My defense might not be the best, but usually gets 70-90 points against high ovr teams and 30-50 from aroud my power, but 0 and he got 61 from ints from DBs running from the ther side of the field and making and one hand backhanded catch...Idk if this is even possible in real football, but whatever.