
Clinton Portis

I used to use this card all season for mm16, but it seems he as not had a card since this:

Would be considered prob a 99 with those stats for overdrive...

Do they have his rights? Would love for a version of him to come to a grindable legend...(not 100$)


One of my all-time favorite hb's!!!


Every year they have to retain rights to ex NFL players. For whatever reason behind closed doors sometimes it doesn't work out. We don't have W. Payton, E. Dickerson, E. Smith, Portis, etc anymore but we used too. Who knows the reason. TOs issue was very public before this year that EA only payed each player/family $1,500 a year dispite making millions. 

I imagine those players are getting a percentage of profit now. Probably why we had like 30 $100 player packs. EA makes more money and those retired players can get a percentage and also make more than $1,500

If Portis had the option he would definitely take it. He's been in debt up to his eyeballs with casinos, fam, irs


I doubt they have his rights if they didn't use him last year, but I could be wrong