
So Does this look Right????

So to explain this: I was outscoring my opponent for 2 minutes getting pretty easy TDs and having a decent time passing. After 2 minutes, All I got was blitzed and my entire Oline was not existent and my WR dropped every pass...I could be overreacting, but it has never looked like this..........


This is probably some guy with 200% run bonus activated at the end and ran for 3-4 long TDs in the last min. The DDA wanted him to win, nothing you can do about it.


Quote from 94SS >> You will see jumps at the end.  Defense starts blitzing every time sometimes, captain bonus hit, failed tactics

 He didnt use a tactic on me and His captain gave a 120 bonus


You will see jumps at the end.  Defense starts blitzing every time sometimes, captain bonus hit, failed tactics


He's just one of those ppl with a 300 point captain bonus that also play spams! No biggie, on to the next one.

Would've been nice to see what was responsible for your opponent's jumps in scoring. But idk, I do feel like the AI is out to get you sometimes.




Then you might have to figure in your scheme.  Smashmouth is rough if you have it.


All I have noticed is the higher my ranking seems to go the defense plays tighter.  Forcing you to spam your shorter plays.  Using the run more and firing non stop tactics at your opponent.  Some of the long plays I use to go to are completely shut down.


Quote from 94SS >> When all else fail start running

 I entire oline couldn't block and they had all corners on both sides and they didn't follow my WR for coverage at all and it was man coverage...... It is like they are psychic


When all else fail start running