Quote from Swaglife81 >> Well it doesn't get any better in HOF either, lol. But you do get a 40k 80 Ovr free elite, yah.
Really, I just want to get there. I've not grinded to get to HOF since last year, and it's just stupid the ways you lose in OD. Weird though, I noticed today that my winning streaks have been when I've been on mobile data, but the losing streaks are when I'm on my work's wifi. Likely just coincidence, but still.
Quote from ForumsMobile >> You'll get there eventually. Just keep on the grind!
I know... I just went on like a 15-4 streak to get to like 160k then lost like 6 in a row to take me back down to Elite 2 lol. I'm done for today I'll come back tomorrow
Quote from nygians0110 >> i just made it to elite but want to keep playing to earn HOF points. Once you're in HOF, can you be knocked out if you lose? Obviously I wanna stay there since I need to be there to get the Hunt.
No , once u hit hof ur in , but your rank does matter to the corresponding reward when the season ends
i just made it to elite but want to keep playing to earn HOF points. Once you're in HOF, can you be knocked out if you lose? Obviously I wanna stay there since I need to be there to get the Hunt.
Well it doesn't get any better in HOF either, lol. But you do get a 40k 80 Ovr free elite, yah.
UGH!!!!! That is all...