
Redux System for mobile?

Did post this on discord, but wanted others opinions...

It is long, but a good read I promise 🙏🏻.

Over the years Madden mobile has had amazing card art and players who we would love to roster for nostalgia. There are 3-4 key ways it could be implemented in mobile. First, Arena Season rewards. In the past we had rewards based on the promo of the time. Example, Draft reward and get Ultimate freeze player. However, using the Redux method instead of getting a current Ultimate freeze player it would be an old Ultimate freeze player with the card art they had in the old Madden Mobile such as a Master, Ghost, or random 85+. This can be used to increase traffic to Arena which not many people play after 925 points or even after a couple tiers. Would influx the game modes popularity and give to the people who do not like overdrive. However, it could be like H2H where you pay Tokens to then buy a random Redux player of that season series.


Yes this is a very good idea