
Thanks for Supporting Creators

Hey All,

To anyone who watched Noob and/or Logics today, Thank You. I know they might not be your favorite style of videos/entertainment here on MH, but i appreciate your support of them nonetheless. Our MM community is made up of all types of people/players and that's what makes it so great to be a part of.

On a similar note, If you think you'd make a good content creator or have a YT/Twitch i don't know about, let me know!! I really would like to get some more strategic/gritty content up and displayed for our more hardcore users. 



Quote from ea_messina >> I know they might not be your favorite style of videos/entertainment here on MH,

 Thanks for saying this. You really do know how we feel about things sometimes! Im not afraid to say how much i hate their brand of "videos" (i refuse to say entertainment).

It lacks any game skill. Its downright annoying to listening to. I will never understand why every Youtuber has to remind us in every single video to Like or Subscribe, like no one knows how to use youtube?

Maybe i am just an old man, boomer inside even if thats not my generation.

And, like Nick mentioned, they are apart of the madden mobile community. Different strokes for different folks i suppose.


Quote from Random_jerry >> I stream on I'm a free to play grinder. I literally have an addiction, it's just a matter of time before my family does an intervention.  That being said, this game needs better streamable content. There used to be a huge community on YT and Twitch of madden mobilers that watched streams. My suggestion is to bring back the weekend draft tournaments.  My community would collectively "stream snipe" each other in these tourneys, the draft aspect made it fair for everyone and it was always a good time.  The problem is that most people dont want to watch someone play season games or live events; there needs to be something everyone can do together.


I stream on I'm a free to play grinder. I literally have an addiction, it's just a matter of time before my family does an intervention.  That being said, this game needs better streamable content. There used to be a huge community on YT and Twitch of madden mobilers that watched streams. My suggestion is to bring back the weekend draft tournaments.  My community would collectively "stream snipe" each other in these tourneys, the draft aspect made it fair for everyone and it was always a good time.  The problem is that most people dont want to watch someone play season games or live events; there needs to be something everyone can do together.


nice, there aren't many MM youtubers left who are very entertaining imo


Anyone who doesn't play seasons gameplay on YT every video is a prime candidate. +1 if they don't act like a 12 year old on Red Bull. 

Vols4Life would be a great option.


I have a smaller YT channel for posting LvL drive breakdowns, play breakdowns, defensive strategies, and some promo breakdowns


Quote from wapo7x >> I'm a bit more active on Reddit because it's mobile friendly but I make more educational content and looking to fill the hole that CHF ( A retired popular MM content creator) has left. 

My goals for the channel are to provide more strategy/competitive tips for new players and hardcore players. Check me out Messina!

Youtube: Wapo7x

 I'm not here too much but I can vouch that Wapo is a hard worker that tries hard to push out good content.  For those of you who watch MM content and like competitive gameplay / promo help, check him out and give him a subscribe (I admittedly don't watch much youtube content outside of Wapo (he's in my league) - but I know he works hard it:


Cool idea to be integrating content creators into reveals.


Quote from Ram99 >> Quote from ea_messina >> Hey All,

To anyone who watched Noob and/or Logics today, Thank You. I know they might not be your favorite style of videos/entertainment here on MH, but i appreciate your support of them nonetheless. Our MM community is made up of all types of people/players and that's what makes it so great to be a part of.


I'm a bit more active on Reddit because it's mobile friendly but I make more educational content and looking to fill the hole that CHF ( A retired popular MM content creator) has left. 

My goals for the channel are to provide more strategy/competitive tips for new players and hardcore players. Check me out Messina!

Youtube: Wapo7x


im glad to sub to anything mm related.  was some fun streams... the comment about logic looking like capt marvel was pretty hilarious


Thanks for this. It was very helpful to have those streams

You tube videos are easier for me to watch. I've never had luck on the other platforms.


Pretty cool 😎


Quote from Ram99 >> Quote from ea_messina >> Hey All,

To anyone who watched Noob and/or Logics today, Thank You. I know they might not be your favorite style of videos/entertainment here on MH, but i appreciate your support of them nonetheless. Our MM community is made up of all types of people/players and that's what makes it so great to be a part of.


It was fun and I won something. I’ll def be tuning in more often.


Quote from ea_messina >> Hey All,

To anyone who watched Noob and/or Logics today, Thank You. I know they might not be your favorite style of videos/entertainment here on MH, but i appreciate your support of them nonetheless. Our MM community is made up of all types of people/players and that's what makes it so great to be a part of.

On a similar note, If you think you'd make a good content creator or have a YT/Twitch i don't know about, let me know!! I really would like to get some more strategic/gritty content up and displayed for our more hardcore users. 


I never started that daily podcast (cancer came back, these things happen) Now that treatment has settled, maybe I'll dip into it (Also, never mind them - I like the content you've rolled out or are preparing to roll out in terms of players) Good job.


I have a YouTube channel where I post daily MM videos!  I have around 10k subscribers, the channel is TheGooseTV :) Thanks Nick!