
Moment of reflection on the speed cap

"Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error" ~Moliere

Before the 99 speed cap was lifted, I would say that there were 2 camps within the Madden community, one for the existence of the speed cap and one against the existence of the speed cap.  Some of the threads arguing about the issue have been provided below:

Immediately after the lifting of the speed cap, the community argued about whether the move to 120 (and now 125) speed was the right move by EA.  In particular, many F2P players complained that the higher speed cap meant that they could no longer compete with the buyers.(though whether the F2P and the buyers should be able to compete fairly is a whole other debate)  Hasty opinions are never the best ones, see the quote given above.  Given this fact,  I think, several months after the decision made by EA, that now is a good time to review the decision about the speed cap when most of the initial furor has died down and we have gotten used to the new speed cap.


It was the absolutely correct move. As with so many other great things they've done this season, however, they didn't do a great job of facilitating a smooth transition with some communication. Changing assets so abruptly in the middle of the season, though we've gotten used to it, is not ideal at all. It was definitely the right move to make though.


Quote from ncannelora1 >> allaboutthemskins and Swaglife81 took some notes right out of my book! i have a Niners Theme Tean. i have a very tough time.  

it’s frustrating that the delta on stats is now so glaringly wide. add in the PB Tonkin effect i sometimes hit, and i just gotta throw my hands up at it 🤷‍♂️

 It's tough man for those people with theme teams especially since the point of the game is to have fun and playing against 140 rated corners is simply mind numbingly not fun


allaboutthemskins and Swaglife81 took some notes right out of my book! i have a Niners Theme Tean. i have a very tough time. i’m a veteran Madden player (not mobile, but literal decades on consoles). i’m not the best, but i’ve always been good enough to use my Niners and win (even in the terrible, terrible ‘05-‘10 span). Right now, my team is, almost literally, as good as it can be at 113/110/100 (just need to get Rice from 115 to 119).

the problem? my secondary simply cannot handle the 120+ speedsters, which are on basically every team.

it’s frustrating that the delta on stats is now so glaringly wide. add in the PB Tonkin effect i sometimes hit, and i just gotta throw my hands up at it 🤷‍♂️

Quote from king_bigdaddy >>

Quote from bigboybuckeyenuts >> I was right.

  I actually didn't believe in the speed cap back then so i guess I was wrong  :D 

 Hahahaha :)


Quote from Swaglife81 >> 1.Gameplay is even worse than ever now.

  1. Its a chuck fest to win H2H matches. Defense pursuit, BKS, Play reaction is so fast you almost gotta chuck it up every drive because your opponent is and will and will put up 2-3 TDs every match.   
  2. HSD and CHF are now having to play this way and they hate it also but this is the game.  
  3. You cant play normal and manage down and distance or a guaranteed 3rd or 4th and long is for certain. Than back to chucking it up in the first place.   
  4. Removing speed caps was great but they gotta balance the game out. Its all jacked up and allover the place now. No defender can guard Go routes, none except Pro Bowl Tomlin guys. Thats another topic. RT is still broken. I shouldnt have to make my QB run in a half circle to engage blocks. Thats so unrealistic.

In fairness the game engine that runs madden mobile probably isn't the best so the gameplay in madden mobile probably won't suddenly jump to the level that you'd expect out of a console


1.Gameplay is even worse than ever now.

  1. Its a chuck fest to win H2H matches. Defense pursuit, BKS, Play reaction is so fast you almost gotta chuck it up every drive because your opponent is and will and will put up 2-3 TDs every match.   
  2. HSD and CHF are now having to play this way and they hate it also but this is the game.  
  3. You cant play normal and manage down and distance or a guaranteed 3rd or 4th and long is for certain. Than back to chucking it up in the first place.   
  4. Removing speed caps was great but they gotta balance the game out. Its all jacked up and allover the place now. No defender can guard Go routes, none except Pro Bowl Tomlin guys. Thats another topic. RT is still broken. I shouldnt have to make my QB run in a half circle to engage blocks. Thats so unrealistic.

I agree with your complaints.  the raising of the speed cap had the effect of making theme teams very susceptible to the abuse of the go routes and the cheese plays.

I have mixed feelings, then and now.  We should have ways to differentiate the players and thir abilities, and when everyone was capped at 99 SPD it was a bit dull.  But it is frutstrating now, for a different reason, to me.  I like to play with my favorite players who I want to root for (either because they are or were Redskins, or because I like them for who they are as well as how they play football).  I've always felt in prior years I could have a team of guys who were different than who everyone else wanted, but were my guys and still good enough to be competitive.  I have come to realize that I just can't do that this year.  As an example, we played a top 100 team in LvL this morning.  My 119 defense stopped my opponent on 3 plays, so then he threw a PA All Go to his 125 SPD WR2 over my lowly Heroes Quinton Dunbar at CB2, TD.  Same thing happened next 2 times - he couldn't get a first down so he resorted to bombing it out for a TD over Quinton using the same play, all 3 drives.  I respect the guy for at least trying other plays first, but the fact that this is such an easy go-to whenever needed means that I just can't keep him there any more.  I was planniong to build 95 Kendall Fuller to 115 to replace Dunbar, but he still won't be fast enough so that plan is scrapped.  I have a gazillion gameplans, but no combination of 5 of them will counter every single play that has a streak route to one of the WRs.  So, I'll just have to get the same secondary guys every one else is getting.  I'm building Xavien Howard now.  A player I have absolutely no interest in in real life, and don't really care about having on my team, except he is pretty fast and will give everyone else a SPD boost.  Boring.  But that's the way it is at present.  Otherwise, I can't be competitive.  So that's what I don't like - the pressure for everyne to get the same players, or accept losing.  I don't want the same players as everyone else, and I don't want to lose.  Frustrating.


Quote from bigboybuckeyenuts >> I was right.

  I actually didn't believe in the speed cap back then so i guess I was wrong  :D

They should have been more transparent with what stats were capped at, and informed us that they were going to increase the stat cap. Oh well, I'm over that.

At least I feel better always knowing that "I was right" in regards to stats being capped at 99 (at the time). There was so much debate back then but I just never saw any evidence that stats (like speed) over 99 mattered. I was right.


Quote from Pittsteelburgh >> I don’t think moving the cap was a huge deal but it did put pressure on lower overall teams to push up their overall... I had a Totw theme team that I could dismantle nearly any team I wanted to... as soon as cap went up I went from scoring 3 tds to struggling to even get one simply because defenses were too fast .... I dropped the theme team and got faster players and it solved it mostly... the only thing it really did was increase the difference between the hardcore players/ spenders and the weekend/ part time players

 A lot of F2P players complained at the beginning of the change although I think that some of the promos like easter meant that they could get high OVR cards relatively easily.  I'm F2P and easter was pretty good for me, still have Houston, Jack, Jimmy Smith, and some O-linemen.  regarding your last point, i'm sure EA probably wanted more money from their hardcore spenders when they decided to raise the cap


I don’t think moving the cap was a huge deal but it did put pressure on lower overall teams to push up their overall... I had a Totw theme team that I could dismantle nearly any team I wanted to... as soon as cap went up I went from scoring 3 tds to struggling to even get one simply because defenses were too fast .... I dropped the theme team and got faster players and it solved it mostly... the only thing it really did was increase the difference between the hardcore players/ spenders and the weekend/ part time players


I agree with you on the TOTY promo bit.  With regards to the bronze offenses, I don't know if I've ever seen someone run a FULL bronze offense except mayfield and a 125 receiver.  Usually I see people sprinkle some bronze players in useless positions like FB/OL/Slot to depress their ovr


I think the main problem was having such high cards for TOTY(which was a a great promo) but this caused many people to stick with their TOTY teams as they boosted each other and could boost so high so that EA had no means of generating appealing content for those who splurged on TOTY. I dont think that raising the speed cap was a terrible idea, but its annoying when people have all bronze offenses and then Baker+ a 125 speed receiver and just spammed go routes. Maybe for next year they should create TOTY cards that didn't boost each other as much and were possibly lower overalls or something along those lines so we didn't have the sudden overall jump from 100s to 115


"Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error" ~Moliere

Before the 99 speed cap was lifted, I would say that there were 2 camps within the Madden community, one for the existence of the speed cap and one against the existence of the speed cap.  Some of the threads arguing about the issue have been provided below:

Immediately after the lifting of the speed cap, the community argued about whether the move to 120 (and now 125) speed was the right move by EA.  In particular, many F2P players complained that the higher speed cap meant that they could no longer compete with the buyers.(though whether the F2P and the buyers should be able to compete fairly is a whole other debate)  Hasty opinions are never the best ones, see the quote given above.  Given this fact,  I think, several months after the decision made by EA, that now is a good time to review the decision about the speed cap when most of the initial furor has died down and we have gotten used to the new speed cap.