
With 25 SB legends Banners You can get 2.5 legends of your choice or one random one

With 25 SB legends banners You can get 2.5 SB legends of your choice or 1 random one? Who has 25 SB legends banners and why would anyone risk them on a random SB legend of EA’s choice?


Quote from mmaddictinneedofhelp >> So these are the last two legends?  No more???

 Probably one more weekend, maybe. .

So these are the last two legends?  No more???


Wow I have none lol


Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Quote from robertk328 >> Can’t believe how many people are stuck on the .5 comment :lol:

reminds me of this:


Quote from robertk328 >> Can’t believe how many people are stuck on the .5 comment :lol:

reminds me of this:

Yeah that’s funny my kids would Probably be the same as Opie (Ron Howard).


Can’t believe how many people are stuck on the .5 comment :lol:

reminds me of this:


Quote from hawksnucks94 >> Quote from WaltzerWhite >> Not quite sure how you get half a legend

Quote from PASKI


Quote from WaltzerWhite >> Not quite sure how you get half a legend

Quote from PASKI >> lol an 1/2 card....

Quote from


Quote from VolcalicJaguar >> Since you can't get half a card, that means it's 2 of your choice or 1 random. Taking into consideration all the players it also costs for having your choice, the random isn't terrible, just not the best option.

Well It means 2 of your choice and 50% towards a 3rd one of your choice. If you have 25 now I’m pretty sure you can get to 30 for free. The 2.5 SB legend thing was meant to be a joke kind of like the set that requires 25 SB legends banners for 1 random SB legend is a joke of a set.


Quote from ATL21 >> Quote from Ph33rTrey >> Built 3 legends already, can’t decide between Mathieu or Butler. I don’t understand the 25 banners thought maybe it was OOP versions or something 

 Butler but not by much. He has the awr, plr, man and prs. I prefer Mathieu though, more green then red stat wise when compared.


No one should do that set. Ever


Since you can't get half a card, that means it's 2 of your choice or 1 random. Taking into consideration all the players it also costs for having your choice, the random isn't terrible, just not the best option.


I’m going to get one legend, no masters. Just trading in players for 94s.


Yeah this set is mind-boggling, I'm surprised they didn't just make it a boom or bust option with a couple badges per try.


There is no way I will be able to get it


Two SB Legends is the clear choice here.


Quote from Ph33rTrey >> Built 3 legends already, can’t decide between Mathieu or Butler. I don’t understand the 25 banners thought maybe it was OOP versions or something 

 Butler but not by much. He has the awr, plr, man and prs. I prefer Mathieu though, more green then red stat wise when compared.


Built 3 legends already, can’t decide between Mathieu or Butler. I don’t understand the 25 banners thought maybe it was OOP versions or something


Quote from dt99039 >> I have 7 banners. How are you guys getting more?

 Legends blitz at the top got me a few with a ton of stamina. Completing The entire daily chain at the bottom gives you at least one each day. I think there will be more events on the day of the SB that will reward some also. I have got 16 so far and I believe I should be able to get 20 for free by the end of the SB events. You can also exchange 6000 SB tokens for 1 SB legends banner.

The banners have been pretty difficult to get. Honestly with 7 you can get 10 pretty easily for free. I’m not going to say 20 is impossible, but it would take a lot of work and a lot of stamina for you to maybe get 20 for free.


Quote from dt99039 >> I have 7 banners. How are you guys getting more?

 the daily history events gives them out, and then from the blitz, playing a LOT of stamina. :lol: