
Diamond bow and ribbon....what next?

so I have a diamond bow and ribbon. Will need to buy an elite 2 oop for the rest of the wrapping paper.

Is it worth it to do so? Or should I just sell the bow and ribbon?


so I have a diamond bow and ribbon. Will need to buy an elite 2 oop for the rest of the wrapping paper.

Is it worth it to do so? Or should I just sell the bow and ribbon?


I just took a shot at it buying everything from scratch and pulled GOM Chad Johnson. Was super stocked when I saw Shiny 1, not so much when I saw Johnson. Still making a profit so no major complaints.


Sell or prepared to be screwed by EA


Quote from BillWalton >> It is just a game.  Go big or go home.

 ^^^^ This.... I was able to pull Shockey, Kamara, Hopkins, OOP Odell x3, and the I last pulled OOP Sanders yesterday... and in between those pulls I got the dreadful Present 5 only bout 3 times


Listen to the coin side. Playoff promo starts soon.


It is just a game.  Go big or go home.


I got burnt with the BF present at original opening ... fool me once ...

I have the bow but would need to spend 100K to get the ribbon. I have Big Ben and another elite 1 on bench I could exchange that would put me over the top with paper. Exchange both and I have enough for Diamond present. Exchange Ben and sell elite 1 and I have enough for diamond player from Glittery Present 6.

I am tempted but can sell the elite oop players and make more than most pulls (except GOM or diamond OOP). 40% chance to make extra coin or get player I can keep on lineup. 60% chance I spend money and don't even make coin back and that's not counting what I could sell oop for as well.

Having said all of that, the gambler in me wants to roll the dice. My other side is screaming ... sell the oop and take the guaranteed coin.


Based on probability and expected outcome, the safest thing to do would be sell. You can get around 100K for each. If you need to get wrapping paper, you need to buy OOP players which are wildly overpriced now, if you need 2 OOP 85s it may cost you 500K or more. Your odds of getting a ghost are 20%, and even if you get a ghost some are only selling for 1 million or less. You also have 20% chance of getting a red present which is worth 100K, or a diamond UF which could be worth as low as 200-300K. 

Now if OOPs were cheaper, it would make sense. But not at current prices.


Take your chances with the diamond gift. I was 2/2 with a Ghost Shockey pull and an OOP Munoz pull and I have atrocious luck, for what’s its worth...


Quote from Reepicheepmouse >> Quote from trey22jordan >> I’ve done it twice. Got a GOM Hopkins and a OOP Kam MLB. Both were wins for me. I’m probably going to do it 1 more time. I’m about 360 wrapping paper short

 lucky on your part!

 Very lucky


Quote from trey22jordan >> I’ve done it twice. Got a GOM Hopkins and a OOP Kam MLB. Both were wins for me. I’m probably going to do it 1 more time. I’m about 360 wrapping paper short

 lucky on your part!


I’ve done it twice. Got a GOM Hopkins and a OOP Kam MLB. Both were wins for me. I’m probably going to do it 1 more time. I’m about 360 wrapping paper short


Good luck selling those. I would probably take my chances with the Diamond present but I like to gamble.