
How does one get an 11-32 first round player?

How do you get one of these players???


Quote from verdunbuldogs >> just buy the ones you want in the ah after the tourney

 You got that right


just buy the ones you want in the ah after the tourney


Quote from Puftwaffe >> You make the mistake of putting 1 Deal + 1 Steal player in the set to get a random piece of junk.

 Well said! :lol:


You can waste 20 Best Dressed Collectibles, or one 105 and one 95. Unless you have a theme team or you're a fan of the drafted player, the boosts are trash, and the cards are meh at best. It's a hard pass for me. I'd keep building and selling 95s or 105s.


You make the mistake of putting 1 Deal + 1 Steal player in the set to get a random piece of junk.


Auction house. 

Draft 106-111