
Only real UL annoyance to me

I know a lot of people are waiting for and probably a "bit" annoyed that we haven't gotten ultimate legends yet but to me as long as we get a couple decent weekly programs and they continue with these good promos I'd be long as they just come out and tell us this is what's happening! I don't want to go a couple months looking like an idiot hoarding my coins waiting for Boss Marino and Boss Jason Taylor to come out and EA never had the intention of giving them to us in the first place.


Quote from jangminwook >> Only annoyance of UL? It’s not out yet so that’s pretty much the only annoyance you could have. Just save your coins. Combine is a bust. TOTY is where it’s at. 

 A promo where your can get 2-3 99 players for free to use, for training, or sell is a bust? Within two weeks as well. I don’t see how it’s a bust being so easy to obtain that type of player. Not to mention you can buy many of them for 300k, for the people that want to train even more, or possibly sell after the promo.  A promo that massively helps the market isn’t a bust for the community.


My annoyance is that it doesn’t exist


I hope it's soon. I have a lot of legend collectibles burning a hole on my bench that I'd like to try and make some coin from either building players or selling the parts


Sure it will be here


Quote from 13kx250f >> I thought ul wasn’t a thing last year for mm. They had the Boss program.

Quote from J_Man30 >> Quote from 13kx250f


Quote from rncriceman >> I'd rather have the promos spaced out.What EA doing is good, space the promos out to keep people engaged longer

 Bingo! last season we had 2-3 week periods of no promos. After having Super Bowl, TOTY and Pro Bowl all at the same time EA has learned their lesson with spacing out promos and programs.


Quote from 13kx250f >> I thought ul wasn’t a thing last year for mm. They had the Boss program. 

 I quit before UL time came, is this true?


Quote from tfunk116 >> We'll get SOMETHING. I'm thinking it's after TOTY and combine end. And I have high expectations for weekly programs; I think you should too! :)

 Ya, I think it will come out after TOTY and combine.


I thought ul wasn’t a thing last year for mm. They had the Boss program.


Quote from tfunk116 >> We'll get SOMETHING. I'm thinking it's after TOTY and combine end. And I have high expectations for weekly programs; I think you should too! :)

 I hope you're right but Promos and Programs have never conflicted with each others releases in the past. Regardless of whatever promo was going on we've never had a delay in Legends or weekly content. In my eyes it doesnt make sense as EA has never done something like this in 4 years of mobile. Console has had so much content released after there TOTY was over that even if EA released a 50+ cards on day 1 we would still be way behind in content. They have seen 21 ULs and something like 75-100 programs cards this month. Thats alot we are missing out on


And they give us legendary packs as a troll 😂😂


Quote from tfunk116 >> We'll get SOMETHING. I'm thinking it's after TOTY and combine end. And I have high expectations for weekly programs; I think you should too! :)

 I have been thinking the same.


The way there is still events & packs makes me think there is something, but EA isn’t in the habit of communicating it to us


Only annoyance of UL? It’s not out yet so that’s pretty much the only annoyance you could have. Just save your coins. Combine is a bust. TOTY is where it’s at.


Yet there is a Legends promo in the packs today.  Of course, you can only get weeks’ old players.  And even at that you will have to spend quite a bit of cash to get enough collectibles.  Doesn’t satisfy.  The Legends program has been a bust this year because a lot of people avoid Legends due to the high price of training. The developers painted themselves into a corner with Legends.


Very too late because of the Promo Frenzy


I'd rather have the promos spaced out.What EA doing is good, space the promos out to keep people engaged longer


We'll get SOMETHING. I'm thinking it's after TOTY and combine end. And I have high expectations for weekly programs; I think you should too! :)