You keep giving us MC packs and popups to buy things just to ignore us later on when you mess up? This is amazing....I have never seen a game so littered with bugs at the start of everything new they introduce. Honestly, IMO we should as a community not spend money (i know not everyone is on muthead) for the rest of the year. Lets just talk about this week... The fact you have a handful of glitches inbetween seasons where people spend the most money is just astounding. People probably used some christmas stuff to get all the masters and some money into NYE...Then you have multiple masters incorrectly named in requirements while also have set locks and people losing their players from no directions. If something is too hard for just a quick eye test than it shouldn’t be in a game. Simple. However, we then lose AH items (i didnt but if I did I would probably be more angry) and no compensation (that compensation pack is a joke) along with no communication till hours after the fact. The promos while good have been littered with simple things wrong...coins intead of blitz tokens...really?? Was it that hard to look over even once...the games id system even should be an easy sight to catch (maybe not, but that is just incompetence). However, while good still creates an unfair playing field and nothing has been addressed about AH bugs, Price fixing and exchanges of currency, and this “compensation” pack (with no events).
You keep giving us MC packs and popups to buy things just to ignore us later on when you mess up? This is amazing....I have never seen a game so littered with bugs at the start of everything new they introduce. Honestly, IMO we should as a community not spend money (i know not everyone is on muthead) for the rest of the year. Lets just talk about this week... The fact you have a handful of glitches inbetween seasons where people spend the most money is just astounding. People probably used some christmas stuff to get all the masters and some money into NYE...Then you have multiple masters incorrectly named in requirements while also have set locks and people losing their players from no directions. If something is too hard for just a quick eye test than it shouldn’t be in a game. Simple. However, we then lose AH items (i didnt but if I did I would probably be more angry) and no compensation (that compensation pack is a joke) along with no communication till hours after the fact. The promos while good have been littered with simple things wrong...coins intead of blitz tokens...really?? Was it that hard to look over even once...the games id system even should be an easy sight to catch (maybe not, but that is just incompetence). However, while good still creates an unfair playing field and nothing has been addressed about AH bugs, Price fixing and exchanges of currency, and this “compensation” pack (with no events).